Ramblings & Such

There is a light at the end of the tunnel…I just hope it’s not an oncoming train! I have so neglected my site, but life is finally starting to slow down a bit, I hope! With that being said, I share with you another blast from the past! Originally posted February 11, 2008

So my son bought a new car a few months ago. Well, at 21 you CANNOT have a new car without G.P.S. It annoys the heck out of me. I call her Belle and she has absolutely no personality. How did we, ‘in the olden days’ ever find our way around? (barefoot in the snow)

You spend a small fortune for an emotionless voice to tell you where to go, not to mention by the time you enter all the information for Belle to process you could be half way to your destination. Part of me wants to “be hip” so I designed my own device. H.I.P. Heidi’s Ingenious Plan

It’s cheap.
It’s user friendly.
It’s portable, transfer it between your cars in seconds!


How does it work you ask?
You simply attach it (with velcro) to your dashboard facing towards you. It is at eye level, you will never lose your signal, etc…
So now you have made it to your destination but how do you find your way home?


You simply detach from the velcro, flip it upside down and WALA!
Now that’s H.I.P.


Photograph by Heidi M. :)
Photographer Unknown

What an amazing legacy this little guy has left behind. Such a heart warming, yet heart wrenching story….

For three years, Moko was a familiar sight around the beaches of New Zealand’s eastern coastal city of Gisborne, where he swam among beach-goers stealing balls and surf boards. In 2008, he gained international fame after successfully guiding two stranded pygmy whales to safety after human attempts had failed. His actions probably meant the difference between life and death for the whales. Moko was found found dead on the beach at Matakana Island near Tauranga on July 8th. The cause of death has not been determined, but postmortems have ruled out deliberate violence or a boat collision.
(Pictures are click-able for larger view)




Moko plays fetch Mahia style ↓

Moko plays ball with beach goers ↓
(video picks up at about 38 seconds)

Hundreds of mourners marked the death of the bottlenose dolphin who won hearts and sometimes annoyed New Zealand swimmers and surfers with his antics. Moko’s body was placed in a blue coffin covered with flowers and was carried through a seaside town last Friday. After the ceremony with over 400 admirers present, his casket was loaded on a charter boat that toured his favorite bays. He was buried privately on Matakana Island, where his carcass was found.

Mascot, friend, lifesaver and entertainer, Moko was definitely a cherished member of this community.
You’ve touched a lot of hearts little
buddy…may you rest in peace!

Couldn’t resist…

So for the next day or so I’m having a party, a big ole’ party and you are all invited! It’s not my birthday, I didn’t win Mother of the Year Award, (oh wait, yes I did) I’m not graduating from a prestigious college with honors, nor am I moving far, far away.
I am having a “Pity Party!”
I feel like all I do is complain anymore, but friends, this past week takes the cake. Without going into too much detail, I spent 5 nights sleeping upright in I.C.U., I became a full time nurse, and spent endless hours praying… I am also still in the process of trying to move as well! (= gifts x 2?) I deserve this party, this “Pity Party” Care to join me? To better serve my guests, I have compiled a small gift list…in no particular order;

•A weeks vacation to the Galapagos Islands
•A full body massage, daily, for a year. (Alright, a month)
•My own male harem to fan me with ginormous leaves and hand feed me grapes, and Froot Loops.
•A top notch team of packers, movers, unpackers and organizers.
•A large beach front house to enjoy the sounds of the waves as I receive my massages. (oh…and to house my harems)
•A new attitude.
•An endless supply of patience and understanding.

Drowning in sorrows for everyone. Tissue will be provided on a first come, first serve basis.

Yoo hoo…did I mention I was also hit by a car while walking through a parking lot? You might want to bring a friend or two, I have a feeling it’s going to be a doozy! See you there…
Cant. Friggen. Wait.

Photo by Heidi M.

Photo by Heidi M.

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