Ramblings & Such

I can’t believe we are already in July, this past month has been eventful to say the least! A few ups & downs, a lot of tears and some incredible memories. I have mastered the art of being on top of the world, to hanging on for dear life in 7.432 seconds. As new doors open, I gently close and secure old ones. There have been moments I have never felt more loved…or so alone. It’s all about life. I know without experiencing the dark, I would not have such an appreciation for the light.
Did I mention I also found a new favorite vodka?

Incredible memories…there have been many of them, some of which may continue to grow, others that may happen only once twice three four times. I have shared the stories of Ace V., Buenaventura and Oscar, I now introduce to you, Cleo.

When Cleo first appeared on the beach, he had a very bloated tummy and was pretty lethargic. My peers friends at the rescue thought he had probably just eaten something that didn’t agree with him and was sleeping it off. By the following morning, the bloating had subsided but he still appeared to be a sick little guy. The fear now was he had been exposed to Domoic Acid. Barricades were set up, and before rescue left a neighbor and myself agreed to rotate every other hour sea lion sitting.

At least I will not be 1) alone in the ocean 2) in the middle
of the night 3) sitting waist deep with a sea lion on my lap. Long story kinda short, by the following morning Cleo had made a remarkable recovery, yet refused to return to the water.

He spent the days soaking up the sun and any and everyone’s attention, the evenings frolicking on the beach and back to the barriers by sun up…for 4½ days.

As exhausting and overwhelming as it was, he was an absolute joy and inspiration. Although bonding with these animals is discouraged, it was inevitable.

There were several times Cleo toyed with the idea of going home but in the end, he always chose his new found home, the barrier.

On day 4 we were told arrangements were being made to relocate Cleo to the Channel Islands. It was obvious he was content where he was, just a little too content. As happy as I was he was one of the few success stories, the news really tugged at my heart strings. A few hours later, I learned Cleo would be leaving the next morning.


I walked out to say my good-byes the following morning, as I sat down in the sand, Cleo waddled over to me. Deanna joined us shortly after and snapped a few pictures with my cell phone.

“It’s all good buddy…you will be with your friends…”

“…I will?”

*sniff* “Good bye and good luck my little friend…” ♥

That was the last time I saw Cleo. I was fortunate enough to had been able to spend time with Oscar as he ended his journey and I’m so thankful I had the opportunity to be there as Cleo prepared to begin his new journey.  These are memories I will forever hold close to my heart, memories I will always cherish. These are incredible memories….

I should be packing, but I thought it was more important
to tell you I’m slightly obsessed with this song right now…

Play it again!!!

Photo by Heidi M.

I have had so much going on lately and so much to write about, but time is not my friend right now! I am working on something, but until then…enjoy #2 of a random blast from the past. Originally posted in December 2007~

We have all heard the saying; “She/He doesn’t have all her/his ducks in a row”
Now my ducks may wander from time to time but they have always managed to find their way back. Not this time. Not only are they not in a row, I am missing a few. Did they leave on their own free will or were they abduckted? It doesn’t matter; I just want them back, I miss them. I want them in a row.
Bad things happen when your ducks are misplaced.
Where are your ducks? Are they all accounted for…or have they wandered too?
Here are a few signs they may be missing as well:

You no longer think clearly.
You ‘accidentally’ lock your keys in the car…while it’s running.
Deep breath…collect your thoughts
You have someone bring you your spare set. Woot-Woot!
You push the “unlock” button that technology has provided you for convenience
You push the “unlock” button, again. The car won’t unlock, it is running.
Assuming the person who brought you the spare still has their ducks, you rely on them for suggestions. They have none.
Collect your thoughts.
You eventually notice this foreign object dangling next to the “unlock” button.
It’s a key.
You unlock the door.

You take your beloved pet, Fluffy to the vet. As you are writing them a check that wipes out your life savings & kids college fund, they explain to you that fluffy has an ear infection. They give you drops, 3 drops, 3x a day…yadda, yadda, yadda. You follow directions precisely, 3 drops, 3x a day in the infected ear. It’s a struggle, but you are a caring, responsible pet owner. You owe it to Fluffy.
Perhaps it would be easier for both of you with the help of another.
You comfort and position Fluffy as you explain the routine to your brave helper. This person obviously does not have a duck problem. Their ducks are not only all accounted for, they sit prim and proper in the most perfect row you have ever seen. Your brave helper must have sensed your “problem” prompting them to read the directions for themselves.
It was then you learned…you were horrified….how could you?
Those drops were an antibiotic, to be administered orally.

You awake after a good night sleep. You climb into a nice, hot shower to prepare for your day. By now you have your routine down. Lather. Rinse. Repeat. If you are a girl (woman, if you will) your routine generally consists of shaving. You love the feeling of those baby soft legs. The ‘pits’ are a must, and then there’s the bikini line (vay down there!) You lather up with your favorite shaving cream. A razor is a dangerous object but you are an adult and you have done this a million times.
Left pit. Right pit.
Left leg. Right leg.
Now the bikini area, (vay down there) you approach with a little more caution. This is a delicate area. It’s at that point you realize perhaps you are a bit over confident and not as thorough as you should be.
You start over.
Left pit. Right pit.
Left leg. Right leg.
You rinse and re-rinse the razor. Looks clean as a whistle.
Being the dare devil that you are, you attempt the bikini area again. (vay…..)
Nothing. You come to the conclusion the razor is dull. Yes, it’s brand new but you never know, the razor packer dude may have a duck problem as well.
You got a bad razor, get over it.
You toss it in the trash; you glance at it to make sure it indeed landed in there (you would not want Fluffy to get a hold of it)
That’s when you see it.
You become flush, and for a brief moment you think you hear your ducks…
laughing (quacking up) at you…as if they saw it too.
The protective cover on your new razor is still on it.
Your ducks are like Guardian Angels, they watch over you. They also instill you with knowledge. Without them you must learn on your own. The hard way. For example, I have learned:
While standing at your bathroom mirror blow-drying your hair, it is physically possible to fall into the shower.
It is best to cut the protective seal off of baby lotion. Holding the bottle in your hands and pulling the seal off with your teeth will send an unexpected explosion of lotion into your mouth.
You can fall not only down stairs, but up the stairs as well.
I’ve learned that while listening to a lengthy phone message, even if you forget it is a message and respond to the caller, they will not reply.

So you see, our ducks play an important role in not only our mental health but our physical health as well. Appreciate them, protect them.
Did they leave on their own free will or were they duck-napped. It doesn’t matter; I just want my ducks back. I want them in a row, but if that never happens I’ll be o.k…as much as I miss them…I’ll be o.k!


Photo by Heidi M.

Two of my most favorite people ever…Phil Perry and his lovely wife Lillian!

If you don’t know Phil Perry…you’ve never heard Phil Perry!
Be sure to visit his website

Photo by Heidi M. (that’s me!!)

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