Ramblings & Such

A performance you don’t want to miss. This
Little Country Star doesn’t miss a beat. Priceless!!

Song: Boots On
Artist: Randy Houser
Album: Anything Goes


…to share my lip biting, hard to keep secret, really good, even great news!!

I am beyond happy…
As of today, my oldest son, Rocky, has been given a clean bill of health,

Happy Mother’s Day to me….
Read more here



The Center for Disease Control has issued a medical alert
about a highly contagious, potentially dangerous virus that is
transmitted orally, by hand, and even electronically. This virus
is called Weekly Overload Recreation Killer (WORK).
If you receive WORK from your boss, any of your colleagues
or anyone else via any means whatsoever - DO NOT TOUCH IT!!!
This virus will wipe out your private life entirely.
If you should come into contact with WORK you should
immediately leave the premises. Take two good friends to the
nearest liquor store and purchase one or both of the antidotes -
Work Isolating Neutralizing Extract (WINE) and Bothersome
Employer Elimination Rebooter (BEER).
Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely
eliminated from your system. You should immediately forward this
medical alert to five friends. If you do not have five friends,
you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life.

Ever been so busy doing nothing that you don’t have time for anything? It seems like that’s how life has been lately. Why does that happen and where does time go?

My oldest was out from Arizona last weekend visiting. Both of my son’s are wine enthusiast’s, so Saturday we took a few hours and went wine tasting. We were joined by my future daughter-in-law, my mom and some good friends. I meant to take lots of pictures, but, apparently I spent more time “tasting” and visiting than snapping! My son wont be visiting us anymore….because he is moving back home to California in two weeks!! It has been in the works for a bit but as of yesterday, it’s official. I am beyond ecstatic. You know this means my grand-doggers, Daisee and Lilee will be spoiled rotten…even more! I have even more exciting news but I’m biting my lip for a few more days, it’s not easy. Curious? Check back cause it is good! (really good) (great even!)

I have been doing really good managing my O.C.D. It is a daily battle, but I pluck battle away. It feels good to have the upper hand and be able to keep things under control. (yea me!) I have to, once again thank everyone for their encouragement, love and support. (yea you!)

Guess who’s a Twitterer now? Me! MySpace, Facebook, now Twitter…and I wonder where my time goes! Here I thought I was the only non-Twitterer left in cyberspace, little did I know. Very few of my friends Twit, or even know what Twitting is, so it gets a bit lonely out there. Do you Twitter? Hee-hee

Don’t forget to check back soon for my lip biting, hard to keep secret, really good, even great news!!


They say dreams have significant meaning. I’m not even going to try and figure this one out…

• While I was shopping, my purse was stolen. My cell phone is now gone and my keys were used to steal my car. I was so traumatized I lost my voice and my face was partially paralyzed. The store’s security guard assured me this was perfectly normal.

• My phone was some how returned a few days later. It was covered in shaving creme, I cleaned it up and it still worked. I am constantly getting harassing calls, my friend’s brother “Greg” offers to answer the phone for me and Beatbox until the calls stop.

• I am walking with my Chihuahua and see a huge boat shaped pinata. A lady breaks it open, it is filled with beach chairs. To my surprise, my dog congratulates the lady…she told me all Chihuahua’s talk at 6 months.

• I get back to the house I had just moved into, I decide my new neighbor “Rob” wouldn’t mind if I borrowed his Porsche. It was an automatic until I disengaged the bobble heads, now it’s a stick. I don’t know how to drive a stick and am stuck in the middle of the street. A couple help me get the car back to “Rob.” He is waiting for me out front in toddler sized P.J.’s and asks me how is is supposed to explain to “Georgette” why he is so late for their date.

• The couple present me with a $700.00 bill for helping. The lady tells me she will waive part of it it I do a Playboy photo shoot. The man tells me if I don’t pay all of it, he will kidnap my baby. I go to check on my baby, he/she asks why there is a photo shoot out by our pool.

• An old friend “Odette” knocks on my door and asks if I had a room available to try on clothes and if there was still a 3 minute time limit. My Chihuahua tells her yes.

• I take “Rob” a peace offering of a dozen deviled eggs, he takes two and hands them to “Georgette.”

• I adopt newborn quintuplets, 3 boys and 2 girls. My dog has quintuplets, 3 boys and 2 girls.

• I win $25,000.00 on a game show that you must twirl as you give the answer. I quit my job. They give me a Rodeo themed going away party consisting of 1 taco, 6 doughnuts and several slurpees.

• I find homes for all my German Shepard sized puppies.

• I see on the news there is a horrible storm on the coast and it is being evacuated. I load up my boat, take the quintuplets to preschool and head to the beach for a sail….in my 18 wheeler.

Anyone want to analyze me?? Be nice now….


It is depressing and graphic but it’s probably one of the
most powerful safety ads out there. Hopefully effective too.
Though difficult to watch, it’s reality!



First and foremost, THANK YOU for all the encouraging emails, comments, gift certificates for a lobotomy, flowers, etc….I appreciate and love you all!!!!! (yep, even you!)
A quick update, I have good, bad, great and horrible days, some days I just don’t get out of bed. It is what it is, I just have to deal with it. On a side note, my neighbors moved a few weeks ago….I didn’t like them very much anyways but what’s even better, nobody can hear me yelling at this O.C.D. demon that it’s “not going to get the best of me and to leave me alone.” At least that will buy me some time before the men in white jackets show up!
My aunt is out of I.C.U. but is still in the hospital dealing with some pretty heavy issues. Please pray, pray, pray!!! I love her so much….
Our friends that were in the car accident are recovering but have a l o n g road ahead of them. Two of the babies are now out of the hospital. Their mama not only has a broken back, her leg is also broken and she is missing a couple toes. We thank God they are just all alive. It was a single car accident, the Police believe was caused due to a combination of 70 m.p.h. winds and black ice. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers as well!!! XOXO to Brittney, Brianna and babies!!!
I have a secret, but I’m not supposed to get too excited or say too much yet. Don’t tell anyone, but it has to do with my oldest son….a new job and moving back from Phoenix. Shhh, I’ll tell you more later!
Yep, she came out of the closet, my little reptilian girl, Kiwi. Been in there, in a box since October, I wish I was a turtle.


More excitement, yesterday she peed! This is a good thing….means she’s hydrated and in working order.
So, I’m really trying to learn how to use my camera. It’s easy to use in the “Basic Zone” but it’s time to advance to the, well, “Advanced Operations.” It’s capable of doing so much…I’m just waiting for that ah-ha moment, when it all just clicks!!! (no pun intended!) Yesterday, after a nice visit at the hospital with my aunt it starts snowing as I’m walking to my car, snowing cotton. Huh? Through the flurries falling before me, I manage to find the source it’s coming from. Am I that naive? Never saw anything like this…. (pics are click-able for larger view)


There were also some pretty flowers on the grounds, what better way is there to practice my “Advanced Operations,” so I experimented away…

12 —————————————– 34 —————————————– 56
———-You do realize I have many more (my apologies…humor me here folks) but I don’t want to whoa you too much in one day! Check back tomorrow… Again, thanks for all the love and support


Be back later today….hold on to you seats!
(*edited 4/28, oooopps! I lied, today for sure)



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