Ramblings & Such

A big congratulations to my son and his beautiful bride-to-be on their engagement! Rocky and Rosie were high school sweethearts but went their separate ways in 2000. After 8 years they reconnected on “facebook” and started dating again, 2 days ago he proposed…and she accepted! I am so excited for them *doing the happy dance* and look forward to having Rosie as part our family! Isn’t that the most romantic story paragraph? Here’s to the future bride and groom living and loving happily ever after!!!


A few days ago I uploaded a few pictures to share on our local newspaper’s website in the “Reader Photos” category. Today I received the following email:
Heidi, (that’s me!!)
We’re featuring photos submitted via our Web site by community members, (just a few thousand!) and we’d like to print your photo (mine!!) in the newspaper. (read by millions?!) In order to do so, we need a little bit of information: (my social security # is 547….)
We need to know the name of the person who submitted the photo (I did, I did!), the city you call home, the names and cities of the people in the photo, a brief description of what’s happening in the photo and what makes this particular photo special to you. (they want me to write an article too?!?!?!)
Please get back to me at xxxxxxx as soon as possible. (because they are dying to print it!!!)
Thanks! xxxxx
I posted the picture on here a few months ago…but now that it’s going to be famous (me too!!) have another look!  ;)



My nephew sent this to me via email, I had to share!!


Here’s the reply the teacher received the next day:

Dear Mrs. Jones,
I wish to clarify that I am not now, nor have I ever been, an exotic dancer. I work at Home Depot and I told my daughter how hectic it was last week before the blizzard hit. I told her we sold out every single shovel we had, and then I found one more in the back room, and that several people were fighting over who would get it. Her picture doesn’t show me dancing around a pole. It’s supposed to depict me selling the last snow shovel we had at Home Depot.
From now on I will remember to check her homework more thoroughly before she turns it in.
Mrs. Smith


I had seen this a few years ago, I was just sorting through old files and came across it again. It’s only 2 or 3 minutes long and soooo worth watching! Enjoy!

A beautiful and powerful presentation. Enjoy the breathtaking
photographic images and inspiring message that has touched so many!


(told you so!!)

cowAs mentioned, complained about, harped on and whined about, I have spent a good part of the last month sick! When I did eat, 90% of my diet consisted of Chicken Noodle Soup, a Saltine Cracker here and there and Vitamin Water. Sometimes it stayed down, other times it had me praying to the “Porcelain Goddess.” One would think the plus side of that would be shedding a few pounds. I finally got the nerve up to climb on the scale…I gained 5 pounds, 1/2 of what I had just worked so hard to lose. Needless to say I’m not happy, I’m frustrated and I’m mad. I’m mad because I feel like a cow hence, I have Mad Cow Disease. Moo.


I have been sorting through pictures these past few days. Remember in the olden days, when you snapped a picture and as soon as the roll of film was done you ran to the local drugstore, dropped it off and eagerly waited 10 days for it to be developed? You always ordered double prints so grandma and aunt Betsy could have some, only to find 4 pictures that were actually viewable. At first you were very diligent about keeping your treasures organized and in albums, but eventually all hell broke loose. You are now left with boxes of loose photos not having a clue who or what they are of. I decided it was time to at least organize my kids pictures and catch up on their albums but the more I go through…the worse I feel.


You both are so cute, so loving and have so much personality!

I don’t know why I would allow you to wear a necktie to kindergarten each day, then skate around the neighborhood. I must say you were quite the trend setter back then!

What was I thinking when I matched you head to toe….in not so masculine clothes,
I promise I corrected every last person that said, “she’s gorgeous”

You are my pride and joy. The three of us were always together!

But maybe it wasn’t a good idea to put you in spandex shorts
and get on with our day in our matching Batman t-shirts…

I was so proud that by your second birthday you were potty
trained and now wearing “big boy” chonies!!

Bless your heart, you tried so hard to walk in them….
I swear at the time I thought it was cute!

Madonna called…she said she wants her boots and butterfly belt buckle back.
We’ll blame your dad for this one!! Love you! (who can we blame for that carpet??)

Surprise!! We were on vacation and guess who got all gussied-up for dinner
all by himself? You were the cutest thing ever!  Everybody thought…. nobody saw you….

You and your “bestie” were always so trendy….

Trying to teach you independence and responsibility, Mom sends you out for
a day of errands, unfortunately you had to do it without your super cool shades…..

….I was sporting them and my super cool 80′s suit at the beach

Yes boys, mom has her moments too!!

The pictures obviously are endearing to me, however if I were to show them to anyone….
I have many more to conquer, which I’m sure will lead to more laughs, a few tears and probably a few more posts!!! I love you boys ;)


If you have not read the tails of Oliver, you can do so here and here.


So, the previous owners are indeed gone and have not returned for him. As of Thursday, January 22nd,  I officially deemed him part of our family. He is spending more time each day in the house and has made himself right at home. He was an outdoor cat, but as soon as he is totally comfortable here and my other cat “Filthy” quits flicking her tail at him I will be keeping him inside. He is so far, very well behaved, knows no and loves to be loved.
On another note…I am finally feeling ‘human’ again, I might even live! It’s hell getting old!


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