Ramblings & Such

dream12 years
24 months
104 weeks
730 days
17,520 hours
1,051,200 minutes
63,113,852 seconds
Any way you look at it, today marks the 2nd anniversary of my son being in REMISSION FROM CANCER!
Words cannot express the feeling of him finally reaching this important milestone. I love you baby!! Your courage, determination and positive attitude have been an inspiration to all!!! You are our HERO… Congratulations!


If you missed Part one, scroll down to the previous post!
1-star Aside from neglecting my website and leaving you all with sleepless nights, I have also failed to follow through with my weekly Random Acts of Kindness, “R.A.K.” However, the last one was a doozy and I’m sure the recipients were caught completely off guard! I went to a drive-thru and not only paid for my food but for the vehicle behind me as well. (told you it was good!) NOTE TO SELF- Before committing, take a quick peak back to see if it’s a couple people in a car or an S.U.V full of kids. Either way it was a good feeling and I drove away singing Tommy Lee’s “Good Times” at the top of my lungs! I do have some making up to do, not to mention a few good ideas! When was the last time you performed a R.A.K.?
1-star Let’s catch up on Oliver, the cat my neighbors asked me to take when they moved. I am not sure what is going on or where lil Olivers fate lies. I hobbled (the being sick and all thing) over to their apartment shortly after the holidays, although there were a few things still in their backyard and a couple night lights on in the house it appeared empty. I checked back each day, no changes, no Oliver. Perhaps they had decided to keep him. A few days ago while taking the trash out, I got the feeling I was being followed. I was, run Oliver, run!! He ran right to me and I gave him the biggest kitty hug. I walked him back to his ‘home’ and nothing had changed and still hasn’t. His ‘home’ is two building from mine but I have brought him over enough that he knows his way back and forth. I am keeping food and water available at both places until I figure out what’s going on. My thought personally….they originally took him, changed their mind and dropped him back off here. Poor baby!
1-star Our good friends B & J stopped by a few nights ago (sorry guys if you’re sick now too!) It was good to see them….a little embarrassing though. B was in a motorcycle accident a month or so ago and broke about every bone from his knees down in both legs. He is now wheelchair bound with more nuts, bolts, and rods in his legs than I have in my car. His spirits are good, I just think it would have been nice had we made the time and effort to go see him. It was really good to see J too, it’s been a few years. Bottom line, we suck as friends!!!
1-star If all works out, we may be moving within the next month. Our lease is ending so we probably should decide soon. We found a house with an extra bedroom and get this…a big front and back yard. I love gardening, grubs, weeds and all! Oliver will be going with if nothing changes by then! Stay tuned.
Well all, time for me to wind down, take my meds., ice my eyes and vicks up my legs…..I’m going to be a step ahead of Jimmy leg tonight. Good times!!!


Good thing I have 340 some odd days left to work on my New Years Resolutions…not off to a real good start here folks. I do hope that is not an omen.
It’s been forever since I have even visited my website….(no wonder my stats have remained at zero!!!) I am quite sure you are all sitting on pins and needles wondering what the heck I’ve been up to! How exciting this must be for you!
1-star The Holidays were nice, my son made it in from Phoenix for both Christmas and the New Year. Although he drove home for a few days in between to work, he left my grand-doggers, Daisee and Lilee with me for the entire 2 weeks. Who knew 2 little shih tzu’s could be so much work fun!!!
1-star As I said in my previous post, I ended up sick right after Christmas…and still do not feel good. My throat andeczema-girl1 ears feel better but the flu-like-feeling and eczema remain. I went to the Doctor’s which was a huge waste of time. “It’s allergies.” My Doctor of over 4o years passed away in October and I hate his replacement(s). Allergies is their diagnosis for everything. I am grateful to be past my child bearing years, as I would probably receive cortisone meds. vs. prenatal vitamins for 9 months. Now that I think about it…I have had that lingering flu-like-feeling! (I’m kidding mom!!!) The eczema has now spread to my temples, forehead and upper cheeks. My poor little nightstand is over flowing with maybe this will help remedies. The usual old people pills, Benadryl for itching (and allergies!), my bottle of Sarna lotion, ice-packs for itching and swelling. I have my bars of soap for my jimmy legs (my new word for restless leg) Oh…oh…oh, that reminds me, I must share this. I have sworn by this method for jimmy legs for months…and I still do but if I wasn’t miserable enough, my soap failed me the last few nights. Personally I think I just need new, fresh soap as mine has probably lost it’s ummmph. But check this out…I also have Vicks in my nightstand stash. Why? It helps with the jimmy leg too! I swear, if all else fails rub ‘er down with Vicks. Last but not least stands 1 shot glass and a bottle of Goldschlager, in case all else fails. No, I’m not kidding and yes, it’s hell getting old!!
1-star Speaking of Goldschlager. I did manage a night out last weekend! I went to my nephews birthday party and because I am late for everything, I arrived just about time for the adult festivities. I managed to jump in the jumpy house for a little while. It was exhausting but fun. I’m glad to know I still have bladder control. They say to be very careful in those things once you get old. Although I looked like hell (hence my allergies) it was a lot of fun. My sister and I can both be quite the diva’s when given center stage, so I apologize to all the kids and fellow adults for not letting anyone else have a turn at karaoke. And to my sister I apologize for being the one that had to pick all the songs!
1-star I am very proud to announce that a very good friend of mine, Phil Perry was invited to perform at The Africa and International Friends Inaugural Ball
He is an incredible artist please take a moment to check him out….you will be a fan for life!!
1-star I added some low lights to my hair last week…to kind of break up my regrowth. I usually do highlights but thought I would try something different for the winter. I learned it is very, very important to have a firm grip of the color bottle before squeezing. If it happens to slip out of you hangs while you are in the squeeze process, your walls, mirror, etc…might end up matching your hair color…in splat like effects. Just a courteous F.Y.I.
My “allergy” meds are kicking in now…I will have to continue my update tomorrow. Time to cover my face with ice packs, vicks down my jimmy legs and if needed fill up my shot glass! Til tomorrow….
(EDIT: Believe it or not I have more excitement for you!!!)

I have been sick since Christmas. Along with all my gifts, I received earaches, sore throat, body aches, queasy tummy, fatigue and a full blown case of eczema! I am one lucky gal!! I went to the Doctor yesterday and will see another tomorrow. I am hoping to receive…at the most a little energy and a few pills to pop!!! So for the next day or so, I will leave you with a few of my New Years Resolutions!! Do you have any? What are they? Do you think you can follow through with them?

I received this in an email a few days ago and just got a chance to watch it. It literally sent chills down my spine, and my eyes welled up with tears. Watch how the power of one song can connect people from all around the world.
For his documentary “Playing or Change: Peace Through Music,”
filmmaker Mark Johnson traveled through four continents and
recorded various musicians–some from unexpected quarters–
playing “Stand By Me.”

Each musician was charged with layering a single song
over the previous artist thus building upon it. Over thirty
musicians globally participated in this project and not one
artist knew the other or came in contact initially.

F.Y.I., there is a Santa!
A little over a month ago I befriended a cat (well actually many, this one in particular.) My first instinct was to snatch it up, hide it in my jacket and smuggle it home. Then it donned on me, it might actually belong to someone. I stalked visited this little fella everyday, trying to gain it’s trust so I could at least pet it’s luscious coat of fur. It was almost always in the same place leading me to believe it probably did have a home. After a little investigating, I was totally crushed learning it was in fact someone’s pet but happy to know it had a loving home. Every time I saw him I would come home and announce how much I wanted this cutie!
Fast forward a month, I continue to visit my ‘friend’ and am able to now pet and hold him. A few nights ago I had been out for my nightly walk and visit. Every time I walked away, my little friend insisted on following me. After about the 10th time I scooped him up and knocked on his owners door, explained what was going on and handed him back to them. They were very grateful, they were also very shocked that I was holding him….this was not a common occurrence. I explained my love of Persians and how I had one at home. The conversation became quite lengthy but to make a long story short, they let me know they were moving. My heart sunk as I knew how much I would miss my little friend. They went on to say they were moving to a smaller place and didn’t know if they would be able to take both their dog and the cat. The lady said she was torn and her heart was broken….his name is Oliver….I still can’t believe he let you pick him up… If you are interested, you may make this decision easier for us. “It is obvious you have built a bond with Oliver, at this point I really don’t think we can take him with us. Would you be interested in giving him a home….it would make this so much easier knowing he would be loved and I can see he already is” My heart sank even more. Keep your composure Heidi or they may change their mind! “Of..ab..we..I would love to!” We talked a bit longer and I told her to think about it and I would get back to them in a few days to find out their decision. She agreed but left me with, “I think we have.”
Without further adieu, meet Oliver….the cat I might, almost for sure get!

*click on the image for a closer look at my new cat, Oliver
Of course I will keep you updated!!!

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