Ramblings & Such

So my son bought a new car a few months ago. Well, at 21 you CANNOT have a new car without G.P.S. It annoys the heck out of me. I call her Belle and she has absolutely no personality. How did we, ‘in the olden days’ ever find our way around? (barefoot in the snow)

You spend a small fortune for an emotionless voice to tell you where to go, not to mention that by the time you enter all the information for Belle to process, you could be half way to your destination. Part of me wants to “be hip” so I designed my own device. H.I.P. Heidi’s Ingenious Plan
It’s cheap.
It’s user friendly.
It’s portable, transfer it between your cars in seconds!


How does it work you ask?
You simply attach it (with velcro) to your dashboard facing towards you. It is at eye level, you will never lose your signal, etc…
So now you have made it to your destination but how do you find your way home?


You simply detach from the velcro, flip it upside down and WALA!

Do you have a compact car? Would you like something a little more portable? Relax, you too can still be H.I.P.! Here’s how: Now that’s H.I.P.



WoW!! What a great idea, the ‘mini H.I.P.’ is born. Thanks for sharing!!

Mom, don’t be so hard on yourself, this is a common question. Since they are so young, I would start out with the ‘mini H.I.P.’

Ummm…no. *blushing*

Forever Greatful, I find myself weeping at such a beautiful story. Thank you for sharing!!!!

No honey, I don’t. Feel free to start one though!!!

I originally sat down to take a break from cleaning, my cat was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake her with the vacuum. I have since taken a nice hot shower, put my p.j.’s on, climbed into bed and watched the season finale of one of my favorite shows, Dr. Drew’s Rehab. I will vacuum tomorrow. As much of a princess my cat is, she doesn’t usually have that much pull in the household. Poor thing has a bladder infection and has been miserable all day, her sleeping meant a break from her meooowwwing. Hopefully the meds will kick in by tomorrow and we will all feel better! She now lay at my feet snoring…I can’t win.

So my apartment complex decided to replace all the toilets with “high efficiency, dual flush toilets” to conserve water. Great idea…I can get past the fact it’s not a real homey feeling toilet, it has more of that hotel/restaurant feel, but how do you use the damn thing? I had to go online to learn what button to push and when…wtf? Honest to God, they actually have how to and video tutorials for this thing. I did my research. There is the button on the left which is the 0.8 gallon volume, the one on the right, 1.6 gallon volume. Typically, 4 out of 5 flushes will be your left button (0.8 g.v) which in the long run saves 1,000′s of gallons of water. I guess the button on the right is as per needed.

I had a nice conversation with my ‘older’ sister today, she lives in Seattle and with so much going on (she is a grandma now you know) lately, we haven’t had much time to chit-chat.
“Hi…how are you???”
“O.k., I hurt my back and shoulder”
“How did you do that?”
“Slip in the snow?”
“No…I’ve done that before, I’m really careful now!”
“So what happened?”
“Well I just came in (from the snow and ice) and went to sit down and missed the chair”
Doggone if I didn’t choke on that .99 cent doughnut I just got at 7-11
“So how are you?” (that would be me)
“O.k., I hurt my hip”
“How did you do that?”
“Oh no” I continue. “I was really excited that I was able to get back into one of my favorite pants again. I thought it would be cute to get a picture of me doing the yippee jump”
“The yippee jump?”
“Yeah where you jump up and bend your legs up to one side and go yippee”
“Well I didn’t think my yippee jump was high enough”
“So I tried to do it jumping off my bed, I didn’t land so well.”
After a brief moment of silence we died laughing. At 48, she should know better than to not know where she’s sitting. At 45, I should probably not be jumping off beds trying to perfect the yippee jump. Mom…you’ve got to be bloody well proud!!
It’s now well past my bed time. I think I’m going to make a quick trip to the restroom first. Now that I know what buttons to push, I kinda just want to test it. Otherwise, (I can’t resist) all that knowledge will just go down the drain!!

For Part 1 of my mini vaca scroll down!
Lets put it this way, my friend Laurie, from whom I hitched a ride home with is not privy to driving a stick. The first hour drive home I was white as a ghost, glistening with beads of sweat, it was all I could do to keep my lunch down. I think it was at the point my head spun a 180 she decided to let someone else drive. There is a God…I was fine for the rest of the drive! I got home at about 9:15 p.m., it was after 11 before I had settled in and climbed in bed. Thursday- I spent the day doing laundry, cleaning and packing for my drive to Phoenix. It’s amazing how far behind one can get when they unexpectedly leave town for 4 days.
Friday- I woke up thinking I was good to go, only to find a million more loose ends that needed to be tied up. You play…you pay, I’m learning. I finally got on the road at 4:00 p.m., which now meant it would be 10:00 Arizona time before I’d arrive. I’ve done the drive so many times, it’s not that big of a deal except when you are still “recovering” from a mini-vaca in Paradise. About 3 hours in to the trip my excitement level peaked, the sign ahead of me read “Watch for Ducks” well, if you have followed my blog for any sort of time, you know it is no secret I have a Duck problem. As I got a little closer, I realized it read, “Watch for Rocks” rocks, ducks, what the hell is the difference out in the middle of the toolies? I safely made it at my estimated time, unloaded my car and quickly snatched up the glass of Viognier wine my son had poured me. After visiting with my grandpuppy’s, my son and his “girlfriend” for about an hour, we called it a night and went to bed! Saturday- Tonight was a big night. One of the reasons for my visit was to take my son and his “girlfriend” to see a good friend of mine, Phil Perry perform at a benefit concert. We all still had a few last minute things to do, so they went their way, and I mine. I had strict orders to be back by 3:00 to be ready by 5:30….I always run late. (always!) I thought I was doing really well until I realized the clock in my car was still set to California time, 2:30 suddenly turned into 3:30. Ooops. I got back to my son’s house and made a b-line for the shower.  We all finished getting ready about the same time, and with time to kill before the event started, we decided to head to downtown Scottsdale for a drink and appetizers. Before we even made it in to the ‘swanky’ wine bar, my feet were killing me, I knew this was going to be a long night! Enter “Upstairs” a cool little wine bar with an incredible aviance and beautiful view. We thumbed through the menu, deciding against sharing the $5,000.00 bottle of wine we opted for Martinis and Champagne! I took this oppurtunity to limp down the street and see what Scottsdale had to offer this fabulous December evening. The streets were stunning as was the feeling in the air. For the first time this year, I felt festive! I hobbled (the shoe thing) back to the bar and finished my drink….every last drop. Because my son was so worried about missing dinner at the event we were going to, we started our (painful) journey back to the car. Not even two women can come between a man and his food! As we left we noticed a horse and carriage, $30.00 didn’t seem too steep until we realized it was 30 bucks for 10 minutes! Looking at the blisters on my feet now…probably would have been well worth it! We arrive at the Hyatt Regency, inform them we are guests of Phil Perry and are shown to our table. Just as we sat down, our salads, then dinner were served. Chicken, salmon, (yuck) potatoes, veggies and rolls. Dessert was just as good, Dolce de leche, whipped cream, white chocolate, raspberries and Pecan Pie. In between there somewhere we sipped on wine and martinis. A man who was also at our table had struck up a conversation with us, he was a Phoenix Fireman, donated to the cause, yadda yadda….asked if the three of us were friends. Now he has my attention, *blushing* “Who us? No, this is my son and his ‘girlfriend’.” “I would have never guessed” he replied. *blushing* Now I’m not that gullible but it was a nice gesture! When the conversation ended, I turned to my son and his “girlfriend” and asked if I had introduced them appropriately, it was clear by their reaction that they too were undecided what their status was.
Here’s the totally cool part. These past two years my son has battled cancer and endured a divorce, I can’t recall the last time I had seen him genuinely happy. Then “she” walks into his life, his high school sweetheart. They had not been in contact since 2001 and reconnected via the internet a few months ago. Although it’s apparent they are quite happy together, they had yet to make their relationship official. After dinner, we joined Phil Perry and his wife, Lillian up in their hotel room as Phil prepared for the show, by now my shoes are off! Before we knew it, there was a knock on the door with a “you’re on” message. Had I not been in a dress I would have gotten a piggy back ride back down, my feet hurt that bad! As we made our way to our seats, Phil entered through the back door and made his way to the stage. I could listen to this man all night, watching him perform live is always such a treat!! After the show we hung out for a bit, mingling, taking pictures, etc…just us three “friends.” *wink* On our way home, my son’s “girlfriend” “friend” suggested we go out dancing. Did I have to remind her the feet I had left were barely intact as it was? Hello? I told her if we could find somewhere open that I could pick up a quick pair of shoes, I was game. I mean, this was the end of my week long adventure, what’s a foot…or two? My son (who was driving) headed home assuring us next time we could go dancing. We arrived home around 1:00 a.m. and I am quite sure I was asleep by 1:10. Sunday- I woke up to an empty house as the “kids” had left already to run some errands. It was time again to pack up and head back to California. I decided I was in no hurry and went back to sleep for awhile, I needed it. The “kids” came home with Del Taco just as I finished up packing. We sat and ate, we talked about the night before, about when their high school years, old friends, etc…my son abruptly interrupted and announced “she” had something to tell me. All eyes on “her” she informed me as of that morning, they were official, a couple, boyfriend and girlfriend. I am thrilled for both of them! On that note, I gave them both a hug and climbed in my car for my journey home. After 2 brief rainstorms and an owl sighting (not duck) at a rest stop I arrived home around 10:30 p.m.
It was a long and busy week, but I enjoyed my mini adventure

Part One!
Wow…this past week has been a whirlwind. Lots of fun but I’m now left feeling extremely tired and a bit on the sick side..it’s more than my boring, isolated, non-spontaneous life is used to!
Sunday- I decided to catch a ride with some friends that were spending the day in Ventura. My best friend lives there, I figured it would be a fun surprise to show up at her house for the day! It was fun, so fun I ended up staying until Wednesday night! With my camera, laptop, toothbrush and a change of clothes and my fun-loving self, I made do. Luckily we can wear each others clothes, and she was gracious enough to share any and everything I was without! We spent the afternoon sitting on a dock over looking the harbor sipping on chips and salsa and sipping Margarita’s. There was a quaint little 2 man band that entertained us with the most fitting of Dave Matthews cover songs. It was one of the most fun and relaxing days I had had in awhile. (that is when the decision was made, I would be staying longer. After a few drinks….getting home wasn’t such a big issue!) Once our new favorite band finished their last song, we finished up our drinks and headed home. I have a tradition when I visit her, I have a Vodka party on the beach at sunset. The party usually consists of just me…which is fine. A blanket, light jacket, camera, shot glass and a small bottle of Vodka. Really, who could ask for more? It was my first night there and the Sunset was spectacular…I was so glad I was staying! Monday- This was a treat, normally my friend, Dee would be at work but ended up having the day off. We had some amazing talks, reminiscing about the past 18 years of our friendship..our relationships, heartbreaks, triumphs, failures, likes, dislikes, goals, dreams. We cried a lot and we laughed like we haven’t laughed in years. We have been through so much together but I don’t think we have ever laughed so hard…ever! We eventually made it down to the beach for a walk and, of course…pictures! Our day ended with a few errands and a nice quiet dinner at Arby’s. I had my nightly Vodka party on the beach, took a long hot shower and climbed in bed. Tuesday- I had woke up on the sad side. I had an offer for a ride home today, (about 100 miles) and after the past few days I really wasn’t ready to leave. I rolled out of bed and headed to the beach. I had thought about having my nightly Vodka beach party that morning, since I wouldn’t be there for sunset but decided it probably wasn’t the best idea. With camera in hand I strolled along the beach with that whoa-is-me attitude, alone, sad, not wanting to leave my paradise. I flipping hadn’t even seen a dolphin or whale yet…as I wiped the crocodile tears from my eyes my phone rang. It was a text message from another friend that said, “I will be in the Ventura area tomorrow and need to kill a few hours, if you can stay another day I will give you a ride home.” It was, well, a divine intervention. I replied, “yes, yes, yes I can stay.” I am now skipping down the beach, I am sure the locals were sure it had something to do with the Vodka thing. Little did they know I just scored another night! I called Dee and notified her she had been blessed with my presence one more night… After she returned from work we made our way to a few stores and picked up dinner. We ate, talked and laughed before I headed down to the beach for my nightly Vodka party. I knew it was the last one for the trip so I made it a really good one! When I got back she was getting ready to take a break from house work and asked if I wanted to go sit on her porch for a drink, uh…yeah! She has a couple Papasan Chairs which are great for relaxing, usually. We finished our drink but decided one more wouldn’t hurt before she finished up what she was doing and I looked through my days pictures. So, I come back out, refilled both our drinks and sat back down in my Papasan Chair. As I sat, the chair flipped completley backwards….yeah right, funny. I now lay there stuck, feet sticking straight up in the air, laughing so hard I fear peeing my pants. Deanna, being the best friend she is left me there as she ran to bathroom, (no sense in both of us being on the verge of wetting ourselves) she realized I was really stuck and at her mercy. “I’m going to vacuum real fast” she informs me. Still laughing, I couldn’t get the words out to argue. “It’s good for your back.” she says “This is what the rich people do to releive stress.” I hear her vacuuming, but it’s drown out by her laughter. “How’s your back Heid?” as she wraps the vacuum cord up and makes her way out towards me. Beleive it or not I was still laughing, wondering what the neighbors thought as they looked out their windows and see a tipped over Papasan with a 45 year old woman stuck in it, feet dangling in the air. She finally came to my rescue, I can happily say I still had dry pants!! Wednesday- I got up with Deanna at 5:45 and visited with her until she left for work at 7:30. Why I didn’t go back to bed after she left I don’t know….oh yes I do, it was my last morning there. My ride would be arriving at around 1:00 and I had to make best of the time I did have left. I took a quick walk down to the beach, it was beautiful. The water was calm yet the waves were ginormous! It looked like the perfect opportunity to get a quick hour of surfing in before I packed up. Walking back to the house, just as fast as that Papasan fell over, it donned on me, I don’t surf…. So breakfast and a shower were in order. I went in to grab that Toaster Strudel Dee had made me before she ran out the door. It was then I realized what she meant, “you snooze, you lose!” as she hugged me good-bye. She had eaten my Toaster Strudel! On to the shower…as I turn the water on there is a fireworks of water. The shower head had blown off the wall and there was water everywhere. I then remembered she had said something about that before she left. (I WOULD have probably understood her had her mouth not been full of MY Toaster Strudel!) I cleaned everything up and opted for a nice hot bath. Again, with camera in hand I headed back to the beach and planted my behind on a log and just watched the water. I snapped a picture here and there making sure I had enough memories to take home. Then I saw them…my trip was complete…dolphins!! Like always I begin shaking so bad I am unable to focus or even hold the camera still. I managed to get a few half-way-decent shots, I at least had proof I had seen them!
Before I knew it, my ride was closer and called for directions. I sat and thought about what a wonderful trip I had had. How an afternoon visit had turned into four days of fun and laughter. I had really “stepped outside my box” doing something so spontaneous, and I was happy I did! I sat and thought about how tired I was from my adventure… just as fast as that Papasan fell over, it donned on me, I have one day to get home and pack before I head to Phoenix! Part two coming

It has been a crazy, but wonderful week! What started out as a afternoon visit with a friend that lives in Ventura beach turned into a four day mini-vaca! Now I’m getting ready to head out to Phoenix for a week-end visit with my son!!! I’ll be back soon with pictures and tell you all about my adventures…this is why I couldn’t leave!

(click on image for larger view)

(click on image for larger view)

On my honor, I will try: to serve God and my country….Jesus loves me this I know for the Bible tells me so….in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice…grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can…I have the right to remain silent, anything I say can be used against me….I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States….I promise to tell the truth, the whole truth ….forgive me Father for I have sinned….bad boy, bad boy, what’cha gonna do when they come for you…

With racing thoughts and that feeling of an impending doom, the second it happened my body went into anxiety mode.

I then caught a quick glimpse of my future…..

Fortunately, the logical part of me stepped back in, and brought me back to reality.

You know the little things you would hear as a child, “if you step on a crack, you’ll break your mama’s back.” You’re pretty sure that’s not going to happen, but err with caution just in case. As an adult you know it’s not possible….but occasionally that inner child kicks back in. You find yourself, secretly making an effort to step over that crack ahead of you…for old times sake. When you first start noticing these hideous little things growing on your skin.
“They are freckles honey.”
“Well I don’t want freckles.”
“You don’t? Did you know that every time you get a new freckle, it means an Angel has kissed you?” So now you feel like the most loved child on earth. You begin to make a conscious effort to see if other kids had freckles….and how many. Now older and wiser, you know the truth but sometimes finding a new freckle can still bring a smile to your face.

I remember playing with a pillow one day while visiting my grandparents, holding it by the “tag” and dangling it around. My grandma said, “Be careful Annie, you might rip that off.” (Annie was my nickname growing up. It means “our favorite grandchild.” Or something.) I didn’t really know what the big deal was, but as usual, I complied. (that is how I earned all those Angel kisses!) Still playing around, obediently, I happened to look at the tag. That’s when I saw it, and it all made sense; Under Penalty of Law, This Tag Not To Be Removed. My grandma knew, she new what would happen to me if I ripped the “tag” off, I would go to jail! I had already pulled the “tag” off my very own pillow at home and now I’m a little worried. What if my mom found out…what if anyone found out? I held this little secret close to my heart for awhile, not even out of grade school and I was already a law-breaker. I eventually confided to my best friend. She laughed hysterically at me until I showed her the “tag” on her pillow. We read it together, Under Penalty of Law, This Tag Not To Be Removed, in smaller letters underneath it said, Except By The Consumer
“What’s a consumer?”
“I don’t know, I don’t think I’m old enough to be one though.”
It took some investigating, but I did find out….I was a consumer. Still didn’t really know what that meant, but I knew I was one of ‘em! So much for grandma wanting to spare my future as a convict, she was just worried about her damn pillow!

But the little “what if’s” remain. What if…I stepped on a crack, what if…the neighbor had more freckles than me, what if….I pulled the tag off my pillow? See the pattern? See it? Something is telling me O.C.D. has played a bigger part in my life than I care to admit! So yes, today, when I ACCIDENTALLY yanked the tag clean from my pillow. The second it happened my body went into anxiety mode, with racing thoughts and that feeling of an impending doom. But, I’m O.K, Annie’s O.K. As fast as the anxiety came, reality set back in.

Now older and (so much) wiser, I know the truth. But occasionally I like finding a new freckle or secretly making an effort to step over that crack ahead of me. Apparently I’m still working on that consumer/tag thing though.

As I finish writing this, I’m kinda feeling a little anxious again. Just wondering…did I unconsciously pass this down to another generation? I don’t remember, did I or didn’t I ever tell my kids that their stuffed animals don’t really turn into Angels that watch over them once they’re asleep? Do they know that the dancing light in the car isn’t really Tinkerbell, it’s the reflection from my watch? Do they know that it’s not really a law that you have to brush your teeth first thing in the morning? You know…they may even still wonder if the sun really hisses when it touches the ocean at sunset.


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