Ramblings & Such

True story!!!


My handsome son, his beautiful wife and my darling grand puppies!!!

I should have just went back to bed when I pulled the frozen bread out of the freezer and whacked myself in the face with it. But I didn’t…
I’m a class act.
Let me tell you.
So, today I am doing my dishes. As usual, I have a few that need to be hand washed.
(a Starbucks cup and lid.) I fill the sink for my small load and put my not so manicured hands into the water, (brought back sooo many memories of when the ducks were babies and I would bathe them in the sink. Bless those ducks…where ever they are.) duck-2.jpg

Cup- wash, rinse
Lid- wash, hey what the…. my water is draining, quit belly aching and finish your task, rinse
Cup- dry
Lid- dry
Mission accomplished.
I go to put them away however, I can not get the lid on the cup.
Actually, the lid will not fit. After closer examination I learn that was
not in fact, the lid to the cup. It was the plug for the drain.


Just a few minutes later I am asked if I know the Artist of the song I am listening to. Is this a flippin’ trick question? “Of course I know.”
“….I just can’t remember….right now….”
Get over it, I know already!
“Sonny Bono”… “you know, U2″
Oh my gosh…. leave me alone. Do you not know I just washed dishes?
“Sonny Bono… U2″
“Did you mean Sonny and Cher of U2?”
Are you that much of an idiot???
“Or did did you mean Bono of U2?”
So F.Y.I. Even Better Than The Real Thing is by Bono of U2.
Never make the mistake I made…you will never hear the end of it!
Oh, and a bird pooped on my head. True story!
I’m over today….until tomorrow…
(it was a big bird too!)

1. Vacation to the Sierras: $988.77
2. Clothes for vacation: $306.42
3. Peanuts: $3.67
4. Memories: Priceless

While in the process of moving, I came across a gazillion + pictures that have been in storage. Well…you know I am going to have share some of them! Here’s one that was taken a few years back on my way to a Halloween party. There’s something about it I really like!!
A.K.A. heidi-sig-rev_2.jpg

So, I was making Deviled Eggs last night. Standing at the sink, I peel each and every one with care. Well if you happened to see my last post you know I barely have a foot left. I guess that’s not completely true…I did however put my Guardian Angel to the test this week. Anyways, after peeling about a dozen or so eggs…each and every one with care, my foot was tiring. I gently lower myself so I can rest my arms on the counter while I finish peeling the remainder of the eggs…each and every one with care. The empty cartons are to my left. I give them a quick glance. Yep, they are egg cartons alright. But something about them stands out. I’m not sure what. I’m not sure why.
Then I see it. I cannot believe my flippin’ eyes. You know, growing up it seemed as if everyone I encountered had at one time or another a dog named Heidi. Well guess what? I don’t know if this is a cruel joke, perhaps my ducks are responsible for this. Perhaps I have lost more, perhaps they feared what might happen to their feet and waddled away as fast as they could. (I will do a duck count this evening) Anyways….now not only do I share a name with half the populations pooches;
Yeah, you read that right. Who the freak names a Hen Heidi??? Could it not say Jan the Hen, Wendy the Hen, Laurie the Hen, Deanna the Hen??? I glanced at the second carton hoping to find each hen had a different name. No, apparently there is only one hen laying the eggs or the whole farm shares my name. I won’t complain too much though…it’s obviously a famous hen and besides, how bad can it be with the name, Heidi?
Bock Bock

journaling reads;
dear guardian angel,
i apologize for all the overtime you put in for me…this week was a tough one, huh? i cut my finger, dropped a dresser on my foot and sliced the bottom of my toe. on the brighter side; i didn’t need stitches, the dresser didn’t break my foot and i still have 10 toes. you continue to amaze me despite the challenges you are faced with ….daily. thank you my dear guardian angel, may you always be by my side!! heidi


Once upon a time a girl named Heidi had bugs…no wait, she made bugs. Not your typical pesky bugs but cute, lovable bugs. She made a lot, it was very therapeutic for her. She hand painted each and every one with her bare hands. Then life got crazy and Heidi had to put them in the ‘Bug Vault’ for awhile. Now as life settles down, the bugs are slowly creeping out, as cute and lovable as ever. Because there are so many and Heidi wants to make more, she will soon have to put them up for adoption. They are all named and for the most part well behaved. The Pot Pals live in potted plants, the Bug Mugs have magnets and are ideal for a refrigerators, etc…
The adoption fee is reasonable and a portion will go to an O.C.D. Foundation. Watch here for more details!!

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