Ramblings & Such

Well, it’s no secret I have a duck problem I having been missing them for sometime now.
Too long.
I was walking thru the park today enjoying the soft, green grass and picking those ‘blowy’ flower things. Enjoying nature…the birds, butterflies an occasional squirrel…
There in the distance, I saw something
It couldn’t be!
Could it?
It was no longer yellow but ducks often change colors as they mature. Well, I was not going to take any chances. I bolted across that soft, green grass smashing every ‘blowy’ flower thing in my path. I startled the poor little as it started running when attempted to dive on it, embrace it and take it back to the row it so rightfully belongs. I didn’t give up though I gave that little guy a run for it’s money.

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It wasn’t until I caught it (sorry little buddy!!) did I realize it was not one of my beloved ducks, it was a turkey! I recomposed myself, made sure nobody was injured and continued my journey thru the park.

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But I was too sad to pick anymore ‘blowy’ flowers and every living creature I encountered ran for their lives when they saw me. That was my day….at the park.

have stood by me through the good times and the bad… I Love You!


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Went to the Zoo the other day (ya know…family reunion thing) and I snapped this random shot of a Hummingbird over by the Baboons. (gosh seems like just yesterday they were just babies) Anyways I had to share, for being such a quick, last minute shot, I loved the way it turned out!


Seven years. Living, fighting, surviving, and sometimes falling. It’s me…it’s who I am, take it or leave it. I pray, I plead, I cry each and every day but I will not surrender. I deserve it and I will continue to fight for, The Gift of Life….My Life!


I’m depressed.
Not the “woe is me” kind of depressed
but more of the “reality sucks” depressed.
I was going through some pictures and came across this one:
you remember it don’t you? I had originally posted it in November. Now I knew I had put on a few pounds over the Holidays, but imagine my shock when I compared it to a more recent picture:
So now you know what I have to do?
It is the only way I will break out of this depression…
and besides I will feel so much better in the long run!! I always say I’m gonna do it, I just never follow through. This year will be different, I’m determined!!
It won’t be easy but here it goes;
My New Years Resolution for 2008 is to not compare before and after pictures!

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