Tue 21 Sep 2010
More than dinner was served when Gretchen Rossi got
together for a meal with her Real Housewives of Orange County co-stars last Saturday night.
As soon as Rossi arrived at the party she was served – with a lawsuit,
The suit was filed by her ex boyfriend Jay Photoglou and a source familiar with the situation said Rossi’s attorneys refused to accept service, leading Jay to have Gretchen served publicly.
It happened at the home of Peggy Tanous, the new Orange County cast member. Stars from Bravo’s reality series got together at Tanous’ home for a dinner, that was taped by the network.
“Gretchen pulled up in her car and as soon as she got out she was served with the legal papers,” a source told RadarOnline.com. “She turned away and acted as if she was going to try to avoid being served. But there were two people there to serve her and she had no choice. She finally just accepted service.”
Fri 2 Jul 2010
Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation
Orange County Court records show there has been recent movement in the case of GRETCHEN ROSSI VS. JAY PHOTOGLOU. A 24 page SLAPP Motion was filed by Photoglou on June 29th. There were an additional 449 pages filed that same day…are these related to the SLAPP motion, or are they something completely different? Jay is represented by Bryan Freedman with Freedman & Taitelman, LLP.

California’s statute defines a SLAPP suit as: a lawsuit brought primarily to chill the valid exercise of the constitutional rights of freedom of speech and petition for the redress of grievances.
The Law Office of James J. Moneer, who does not represent either party, has a primary emphasis in handling SLAPP motions and appeals. In The POWER of SLAPP, he explains “8 Reasons to take SLAPP very seriously.” Definitely worth the read!
Stay tuned…
Wed 16 Jun 2010
Dressed in uniform, the Costa Mesa Chief of Police was seated in the front row as Jay Photoglou read the following to the Costa Mesa City Council Meeting on Tuesday night.

Jay presented the following documents before he spoke with a motion:

Original email

Read more here
Tue 15 Jun 2010
The following letter from the Orange County District Attorney’s office is in response to the correspondence between Jay Photoglou’s attorney and Costa Mesa’s Chief of Police. A direct contradiction to the chief’s letter dated in December, the OCDA confirms NO information on Jay’s behalf has been sent to them by the Costa Mesa Police Department.

Original email

Tue 15 Jun 2010
Check back this afternoon for some new information…wow…
Thu 3 Jun 2010
We The Fans of BRAVO TV are expressing our outrage at having Slade Smiley as a star on at least 2 of your shows.
We are outraged that you aid this person in concealing monies that would benefit his child, and allow Gretchen Rossi to do the same.
We demand that you stop utilizing the suffering of the children of the so called “stars” associated with your shows, by NOT contracting with people of questionable backgrounds.
BRAVOTV hold yourself accountable and get rid of these deadbeats.
Fri 28 May 2010
Gretchen’s Twitter…
omg! All the stories being posted r ridic! Seriously making me laugh a little!
funny how blogs completely make up lies in order to have a story!
I think it’s safe to assume she is referring to today’s courtroom drama. Interestingly enough, Slade has been a little quiet. Perhaps he is actually busy preparing for the next hearing so he doesn’t have to walk in to court with an empty brief case…again. Does this dynamic duo really believe they are above the law? It appears that somewhere along the line, they have lost the true sense of, well…reality. The world they live in seems to be nothing short of a fantasy, consisting of puppy dog tails and rainbows. Nothing lasts forever though…
“…According to court documents and Radaronline.com, Smiley, 41, owes between $84,962 and $110,000 in back child support to Michelle Arroyo of Los Angeles. They are the parents to Grayson Arroyo-Smiley, 10, who suffers from a rare form of brain cancer (diffuse fibrillary astrocytoma) and has been in and out of hospitals since preschool….”
Read the full story at Orange County Register
Long story short. You make a baby, you take responsibility. No if ands or buts. Period. •Check back in the next day or so, I will be posting some new information on this. Most Wanted Deadbeats
Mon 3 May 2010
She fought and fought and fought but in the end Gretchen Rossi finally handed a check, for the amount of $22,375.05, to her ex boyfriend Jay Photoglou and RadarOnline.com has exclusively obtained a copy of the check.
The Real Housewives of Orange County star lost a judgment to Jay and then skipped a court date for a debtor’s examination.
A judge issued, and held, a bench warrant, demanding the star show up in court. But before she did, Rossi filed a lawsuit against Jay for defamation and other counts.
See a copy of the check that Jay was never going to get from her. and read full story at RadarOnline.com
In other news, Gretchen said via Twitter yesterday that Slade saved a man that was choking.
Slade’s a hero.
Gretchen cried.
No word on the $80,000 back child support.