Reality Bytes
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Mon 18 Jan 2010
I have so much to say about this, but I really think it is one of times that less is better.
A few thoughts…
I have to commend Lynne for a few things. The first being her reaction to Gretchen’s “intervention” with Alexa on last weeks episode. That was the first time I have seen her stand up to Gretchen and speak her mind. Generally Lynne is so passive and it clearly took Gretchen off guard as well. Lynne had went and got all “Tamra-esque,” on her (isn’t it always Tamra’s fault?) The second is the calmness Lynne maintained. Despite her “Tamra-esque” response, Gretchen got off pretty easy! I don’t know many parents that would have been able to do the same.
You. Just. Do. Not. Do. That. Ever.
The following is a random paragraph I copied from Gretchen’s blog on Bravo TV.
“I would never want something to happen to a kid just because I was more concerned about not hurting my friend’s feelings. To me that is what real friends do, they are honest and real, and they are concerned they will approach you out of love. If they are doing it out of ill will or bad intentions that is another thing, but I know Lynne and Frank knew where we were coming from and what our intentions were.”
Aside from the fact I believe she clearly crossed the line between a parent and their child, I am curious why anyone that was honest, real and concerned about someone, especially a “depressed” teenager would address those concerns on national television? Is that what a real friend does?
So what were Gretchen’s true intentions? Would ill will or bad intentions be equivalent to using a situation someone may or may not be going through as a platform to make themselves look better? My thought is and always has been; a true intention or gesture has not come from your heart freely if there are any attachments. If you can’t do it without talking about it, it really has no value.
It’s one thing to write a four page blog justifying your actions and discussing the other “wives,” they signed up for this. It’s another thing when you talk about their kids. To read it, it really is mind blowing to think that someone with a degree in psychology would believe this to be morally or ethically O.K.
Wed 13 Jan 2010
One Sunday morning at a church my sister used to attend, the pastor spoke of someone in the church that was battling cancer. Because they did not have medical insurance they were now facing financial devastation as well. Donations started pouring in from the community. Each week the pastor would speak of this person and how their condition continued to deteriorate. As word spread donations were steadily coming in from all over. Everyone was so caring and so sympathetic. This person that he had been referring to was himself. When the truth was revealed, (as it eventually always is) people were devastated. He did not have cancer and never did. He had used his position to contrive a superficial story, playing on others sympathy…profiting from a tragic situation that never existed.
Written as a tribute to her late “fiance” Jeff, Gretchen Rossi released her first single today, Nothing Without You. Proceeds of the song will be donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society and the Jeff Beitzel Foundation (which cannot be found) in memory of Jeff Beitzel. Brilliant gesture.
We all know Gretchen wants to break into the music industry, so is this just a brilliant (I use that word loosely) marketing plan? Jeff was not her fiance, but what better way to make a debut? Capitalize on a tragic situation, a man’s death and a relationship that didn’t exist? Why not release a song about Slade, her knight in shining armor? Perhaps next time. Another brilliant gesture? Maybe next time you could donate the proceeds to
The Amazing Gray Fund
Seriously, nothing surprises me anymore.
Title: Nothing Without You
Artist: Gretchen Rossi
Genre: Classic Classless
Fri 8 Jan 2010
“The misfortune of the wise is better than the prosperity of the fool.”
Are you kidding me?
From Gretchen Rossi’s Bravo blog
Well, the next subject is very interesting to me because I have a lot of questions when it comes to Tamra and Simon’s talk outside. Not because I care to talk about them, but because they care to talk about me…..
1½ pages worth of questions apparently.
Gretchen. Queen. Of. Class.
Thu 7 Jan 2010
RadarOnline is reporting Simon Barney has filed
for divorce. The papers, dated January 6th, state “Petitioner contends that Respondent has been verbally abusive and has committed acts of disloyalty and infidelity” it also shows they have been separated since January 3rd. To read more, visit
ETA- I just read Simon’s blog, very insightful. I’m sorry to see anyone go through this.
Fri 18 Dec 2009
It’s not like I was surprised. Disappointed, a little.
We watch, sometimes in horror their version of the “wives” for one hour each week and now that I officially succumbed to the weekly blogs as well…it might just prove to be more than I can handle. First, the 7 carrots (*giggles*) and then having to second guess my own sanity. So why take a perfectly good blog and edit it too? The top screen shot is from Simon Barney’s blog as it appeared last week. The bottom screen shot is how it has appeared since last week. Although it took a few days to get a hold of it, it confirms my sanity is still intact. So, in case you missed it “pre-edit” this is what Simon says….
Fri 11 Dec 2009
After Gretchen’s conversation with Tamra on last night’s show, claiming the pictures of her and Jay were from New Years, I thought it would be a good time to revisit the truth…or try and figure out just how many New Years they have spent together. You decide.
The pictures below were all taken prior to Season 4 being filmed. The first one was 3 weeks before Gretchen was asked to be on the show. The last 3 were taken 1 week after being asked.
This photo was taken on the day Jay met Slade and Jo for the first time and Slade asked Gretchen to be on the show. This picture was taken in March 2008 . (Jo and Slade are in the back in the picture)
June 15th, 2009 Gretchen writes in her blog,
“First of all let me state this very clearly, Tamra changes her story according to how it best suites her in that moment. I have honestly never met anyone so contradictory in my life (or someone that just plan [sic] lies to your face)”
In another blog she writes,
“No one will ever be able to truly understand or I will never be able to explain in right detail the last six months of my life. The pain, the tears, the hopelessness, the regret, the sorrow, the sleepless nights, the dreams, being angry at God, or the sad void in my soul.”
Let’s talk about contradiction…
The following pictures were taken in the five months following Jeff’s death. I will never dispute the fact that Gretchen loved and cared about Jeff, these pictures however seem to contradict much of what she has written in her blog.
The dates on these pictures have been verified through their properties.
These pictures were taken during the week of January 1-7, 2009 while on vacation at Bass Lake. This was 3 weeks before the filming of The Real Housewives of O.C. Reunion Show.
The truth…
how quickly one forgets!
Fri 11 Dec 2009
Originally posted on 9/3/09
I am just amazed how many people are drawn into their own conclusions simply based on what is written. So often I come across comments that say, ‘I just read Gretchen’s blog it all makes sense now.’ or ‘If you read Gretchen’s blog, it connects all the dots and just proves Tamra and Jay are lying.’ Why do we bother with a legal system when in fact one can play judge and jury based on “facts” that have no credibility, evidence or consistency to warrant their merit?
Gretchen starts her blog stating she feels “forced to address the lies.” She apologizes in advance for being “long winded.” Putting on her writing cap and badge of honor she announces she has “been QUIET for way too long and it’s about time the truth be told…“
Now anyone who has seen the whole picture will quickly realize that there are many missing dots, so trying to connect them would only leave you with a distorted view.
Where to start, I close my eyes and point…
Story #6 -ahhh…the infamous restraining order and court date
“Tamra having to show up in court! What a flipping joke this one is. For the record I didn’t just NOT show up for my own court case. I DROPPED the case the day before it was even heard in court.”
The case was called to order, however it was not heard…as there was no complaining party present. The case was dismissed with prejudice on May 15th, 2009. The court date? That was May 15th, 2009 as well. The courts were informed 30 minutes prior to the scheduled hearing time that Rossi would not be attending.
“That was from advice of my attorney, as Jay told his own attorney he didn’t care if I got a restraining order against him, which lead me to believe all he wanted was a media circus and I was not about to allow my serious concerns to be made a mockery out of in the press.”
First of all, with all due respect, who drops a restraining order against a stalker/media whore who has threatened their life? How seriously concerned could one be? Seriously? Now to address the “media circus,” somebody had requested a media pass to video at the Forward-Rossi/Photoglou trial scheduled for May 15, 2009….hint, it was not Jay. Here and here you can see the official request and the Notice Of Ruling, which ironically was sent to both Evolution Media and Gretchen Forward-Rossi. You can also catch an interview that oh-so-media-concious Gretchen did with People TV WATCH.
“I was going to drop the case per my attorney’s advice. Jay had already violated the Temporary Restraining Order once and it became obvious a piece of paper was not going to protect me from what he was consistently doing.”
Again, who drops a restraining order against a stalker/media whore who has threatened their life and has already violated the TRO?? Here is a copy of the investigation done in regards to the Temporary Restraining Order Violation. No, there’s not more. Yes, this is it. Didn’t Slade Smiley also file for a restraining order against Jay Photoglou and had it denied…but then wasn’t he the one that also served Jay on behalf of Gretchen? Just to be sure I’m not missing a huge clue here, this basically says Slade walks into a restaurant, having seen Jay’s truck outside, he is aware that Jay is there. Instead of leaving, in fear of his and Gretchen’s safety, he tells Security “that guy” has to go. He walks away to call the Police, retrieve get paper work and Gretchen. As he and Gretchen approach the bar, 55 feet away from Photoglou, he informs Security he has called the Police and again states “that guy” has to go because they were afraid of him. Jay noted to Security he was there first, much to the lovey dovey terrified couple’s dismay they must wait for the Police. The Police arrive 15 minutes later and interviewed both parties one at a time. Jay is heard telling the Police he doesn’t want any problems. Long story short, Jay was there first if you are afraid leave!! Witnesses that night also say Smiley and Rossi had eventually moved from the bar and had planted themselves about 10 to 15 feet away from where Jay was sitting with his friends. Violated? Rumor has it, the Judge does not take kindly to those who abuse Restraining Orders.
Wow, that’s a lot of dots. And to think we didn’t even get through a whole “Story.” No worries, we’ll get there.
“Something sounds fishy to me there.”
You got that right Gretchen!
Read part 2 here
Fri 11 Dec 2009
Originally posted 9/16/09
A leopard never changes its spots.
~Gretchen Rossi
As we continue to address Gretchen’s blog, please take a moment to read the 1st part of The Truth Be Told “Story #6 if you have not done so already.
Now, where were we…
“Jay is not someone I choose to be around anymore or have in my life especially after the very sick and shallow things he has done to defame Jeff’s and my relationship.”
Exactly, what has he done to defame you? Telling lies? Stalking you? You have and continue to prove you are capable of doing that yourself, you have made a mockery out of your relationship. Season 4 is over Gretchen, yet you continue to live vicariously through your character. You live in a make believe world, complete with a make believe Prince Charming (and 2.5 million dollars.)
“I made a poor choice to be-friend someone that obviously took advantage of my friendship by stealing from me, barrowing [sic] money he never paid back, and using my name to bring his into the limelight.”
A poor choice? You think? Your poor choice however, was not “be-friending” Jay Photoglou. You made a bad choice by going on National Television portraying yourself as a victim. You made a bad choice denying you were in a relationship with Jay. You made a bad choice when you accused him of touching you inappropriately. You made a bad choice when you filed a Temporary Restraining Order against him. The only evidence you had to back any of this up came in the form of, well, conflicting tales.
Do you really believe Jay used your name simply to bring his into the limelight? Flatter yourself much? Step out of your make believe world…if only for a minute and explain the following.
Jay clearly demands, more than once that his name or any reference of him not be used in any way. Who would go in search of the type of media attention that has been created?
Again, the season is far but over, yet your actions have left an effect on many people. You made the choice to publicly make these accusations, Mr. Photoglou has every right to defend himself publicly.
You chose money, greed and fame. You chose to put others reputations and character on the line. Put your big girl panties on and tell the truth, apologize….or let the courts decide.
Keep reaching for the stars gorgeous, but remember…the higher you get, the greater the fall. Prince Charming does not have a great track record of being there for his kids, what makes you think he’ll be there for you? Remember Gretchen, a leopard never changes its spots.
On a side note, O.K, a big observation. I find it a bit ironic that Bravo
did a Press Release yesterday…with Gretchen questioning if she coped
well with Jeff’s death…hours before “Scandals & Secrets of Reality
TV Shows” is due to be released. Check back for details!!!
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