Wed 29 Sep 2010
He’s twenty-four. My baby is 24 years old today. Not 4. Not 14. He’s 24.

I’m a little sad…but I couldn’t be prouder.
Happy Birthday babe, I love you!!!!

Wed 22 Sep 2010
A little appetizer before dinner.
As reported yesterday, Gretchen Rossi was served as she arrived
at the home of fellow castmate, Peggy
Tanous. No word on what was served for
dessert. Read the full story here
Tue 21 Sep 2010
More than dinner was served when Gretchen Rossi got
together for a meal with her Real Housewives of Orange County co-stars last Saturday night.
As soon as Rossi arrived at the party she was served – with a lawsuit,
The suit was filed by her ex boyfriend Jay Photoglou and a source familiar with the situation said Rossi’s attorneys refused to accept service, leading Jay to have Gretchen served publicly.
It happened at the home of Peggy Tanous, the new Orange County cast member. Stars from Bravo’s reality series got together at Tanous’ home for a dinner, that was taped by the network.
“Gretchen pulled up in her car and as soon as she got out she was served with the legal papers,” a source told “She turned away and acted as if she was going to try to avoid being served. But there were two people there to serve her and she had no choice. She finally just accepted service.”
Sat 18 Sep 2010
So my sister and I are talking yesterday, and knowing how much I love dolphins she asks me if I’ve seen the Dolphin Stress Test on Facebook. “No, but dolphin interaction has been said to be highly therapeutic for stress and special needs children….” I think her response was something equivalent to, “blah, blah, blah…” She sends it to me.
Dolphins and Stress:
I am not exactly sure how it works, but this is amazingly accurate. The picture to the left has 2 identical dolphins in it. It was used in a case study on stress levels at St. Mary’s Hospital. Look at both dolphins jumping out of the water. The dolphins are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the dolphins are identical; a person under stress would find differences in the two dolphins. The more differences a person finds between the dolphins, the more stress that person is experiencing. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation.
Now, we’re both fairly intelligent people…most of the time. We do experience moments of discombobulation, and we can both be pretty damn funny. Me: Knock-knock → Sis: Come on in. K, that actually was one of those moments…but see how damn funny it was?? After comparing notes, and a brief discussion, we came to the conclusion that either we’re both severely stressed or…we were having another moment. Now, back to the we can be pretty damn funny part. We decided to make our own stress test.
People and Stress:
I am not exactly sure how it works, but this is amazingly accurate. The picture to the right has 2 identical beautiful women in it. It was used in a case study on stress levels at St. Mary’s Hospital. Look at both women. They are identical. A closely monitored, scientific study revealed that, in spite of the fact that the beauties are identical; a person under stress would find differences in the two. The more differences a person finds between them, the more stress that person is experiencing. Look at the photograph and if you find more than one or two differences you may want to take a vacation.
That’s funny…right? We thought so. We thought everyone else would think so too. Apparently, not so much. At the end of the day, there was 1 response. Uno. Ein. Îνας. One.
“You girls are hilarious! but Beautiful too!”
To be completely honest, I’m kinda still laughing…it’s like I’m the dolphin and she’s the cow! Yeah…we can both be pretty damn funny. Perhaps our Facebook friends are just experiencing moments of discombobulation. Knock-knock.

Wed 15 Sep 2010

Photo by Heidi………………………
Tue 14 Sep 2010
Remember me…Heidi? This is my neglected, yet not forgotten about blog.
I seriously do not know where the days have gone…where time has gone. It’s been a pretty busy few months & not necessarily a productive busy. A lot of fun busy, some not so fun busy…but busy none the less. My cup runneth over my friends, I’m enjoying the flow, enjoying life.
I have moved, watched two people very near and dear to my heart recover from strokes, aneurysms and deep tissue brain bleeds. I
have spent much needed time with old friends and family, I have made new friends (actually I have a new BFF. Judy or Julie…I’m not sure, we might save that for another day) and reconnected with long lost relatives. I have rekindled my love for photography…despite the lack of seals, sea lions and dolphins, I only pray that coyotes are just as friendly. ahh- wooooooo â†coyote sound.
On September 7th, I became a Great Aunt for the second time!!! Congratulations to Eric, Jaime and big brother Aiden on the arrival of precious baby Austin. Great Aunt Heidi will be meeting both Aiden and Austin for the first time in a few weeks. I think I’m busy now, wait til I smuggle two little boys home with me. Just kidding guys. Kinda.

Today was National Peanut Day…not to be mistaken for National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day or National Peanut Lovers Day. I’m a little disappointed I am just learning about this. It’s probably a good thing though, I have enough on my plate right now…my cup runneth over and I am enjoying the flow, I’m enjoying life.
Here’s to reacquainting myself with my neglected, yet not forgotten about blog. Baby steps my friends, baby steps!