Sun 30 Oct 2011
As fun as it is to take time to write about life,
sometimes it really is much more important
…to just live it!!!
Be back soon. Swear!

Tue 20 Sep 2011
Part 4
When I arrived home the following day, a banner that read ‘Welcome Home Filthy’ was hanging above our front door.
I had received a phone call that afternoon while driving home from picking my youngest son up from school. I was instructed when and where we could pick up ‘our’ cat. Our efforts had not gone unnoticed, nor had our tears been cried in vain. As we drove to pick her up, we laughed, we cried and we sped (a little) (just saying’.) After I reimbursed HER for the vet bills, SHE handed me a box. As I opened it I saw a familiar black ball of fur and two big
gold eyes looking at me…she was shaking uncontrollably. As my son started petting her I picked her up and held her close to my chest, she was confused and terrified. I whispered “Filthy McNasty, we’re going home.” Her whole body went limp as she clung on to me. As she lay in my son’s lap on our way home neither of us said a word, (aside from the 83 phone calls I made) because a- were just so happy to have our princess back. b- I was trying to figure out a way to explain to my bank I used the money for my car payment as cat ransom. Either way, it was a phenomenal day. Our whole silence, (aside from the 83 phone calls I made) embrace the moment thing was soon interrupted by a phone call.
“Hi Heidi, I spoke to you last week about your cat.”
“I am so sorry, I have tried everything…I have contacted everyone…there is nothing that can be done. You signed your cat over…”
Blah, blah, blah liar.
(Smirking while staring into those big gold eyes) “Well thank you for all your efforts, some things are just meant to be.”
“Yes they are, I’m sure she’ll be well taken care of.”
“I am positive of that, thank you!”
“You bet.”
See ya dude-that-has-no-clue!
It took Filthy and Rex about .04 seconds to get reacquainted and Filthy about .05 seconds to reclaim her bed.
After having to fend for herself for so long, having oral medication administer via her ears, recovering from being so sick…and surviving a kidnapping, it was clear this little girl had a will to survive. No longer did she have to worry. She was loved, had a permanent home and a family to keep her safe…kinda.
Don’t judge…there’s a story behind it.
to be continued…
Fri 9 Sep 2011
Update on Jay Photoglou and Gretchen Rossi…
History repeats itself?
Gretchen Rossi once again failed to show up for her scheduled September 8th Debtor’s Exam court date. If you recall, she was a no show as well in April 2010 and a bench warrant was issued. Yesterday’s judge issued a warrant for her arrest at $2,500. It has been continued until September 15, if she fails to appear by then…looks like she will be arrested.
On a side note, I wonder if Lynne Curtin does designer cuffs, handcuffs?
Mon 29 Aug 2011
I have had a few inquiries requesting updates on Jay Photoglou and Gretchen Rossi.
Gretchen is scheduled to appear for a debtor’s examination on September 8th. Although this is a different order, it is the same procedure she was scheduled to appear for in April 2010. If you recall, Gretchen did not show up, and a bench warrant was issued.
I believe Rossi is also scheduled to be in court on that same day regarding the lawsuit filed by, Ron Ann Myers, her former make up artist and business associate.
Busy day!
Fri 5 Aug 2011
I saw this at the groomers yesterday and had to copy it….
1. My life is likely to last 10-15 years. Any separation from you is likely to be painful. You are my world.
2. Give me time to understand what you want of me.
3. Place your trust in me. It’s crucial for my well-being.
4. Don’t be angry with me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your friends, your entertainment. I only have you.
5. Talk to me. Even if I don’t understand your words, I do understand your voice when speaking to me.
6. Be aware that however you treat me, I will never forget it.
7. Before you hit me, before you strike me, remember that I could hurt you and yet, I choose not to bite you.
8. Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I’m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old and weak.
9. Please take care of me when I grow old. You too will grow old.
10. On the ultimate difficult journey, go with me please. Never say you can’t bear to watch. Don’t make me face this alone. Everything is easier for me if you are there…because I love you!
I think every pet owner need to read this at least once!

Thu 4 Aug 2011

Tue 2 Aug 2011
Remember last week I did a post entitled, Snagged At Sea? Included in it were details of my encounter with a shark Pitbull. A freak accident that involved his tooth, my thigh, a trip to E.R. and stitches. There are a few people that think I’m a freak as well (o.k. maybe that’s not such a news flash!) because 2 days later ‘Paulie’ a.k.a. the shark Pitbull and I started our 5 day bonding session, alone. I had already committed to dog sitting him and never had second thoughts about following through with that commitment. It wasn’t a malicious act, I have known him since he was a puppy and I knew we’d be just fine, (well, I did pray really hard that we would be…just sayin’) and we were.

Here are a few pictures that I took with my cell phone, there are about 4,261 more but we’ll just start with these. Your welcome!
As I sit on the pool steps (because I can’t get my stitches wet) Paulie joins me, gently resting his paw on my hand as if he were saying, friends? My heart may have skipped a beat.


Another day while relaxing on a lounge chair, (did I mention I couldn’t go into the pool because of my stitches?) I was sleeping on my tummy and opened my eyes to this. He was standing at my head, resting his next to mine. Precious, I know. He had a ball in his mouth and was waiting patiently.
After a few days I was finally able to down size from a body cast to a bandage. (I’m totally kidding) (kinda) This is something Paulie did every morning, although he seemed particularly interested on this day. My guess is because it was more accessible sans cast. He is checking my shark bite sore. Awww…Paulie!

I knew he meant no harm and did not intentionally hurt me, and these past few days only confirmed that. There was never a moment I questioned his next move or felt uneasy. I think he actually went above and beyond to show his remorse, and he succeeded. (How many sharks can you say that about?) Although I obviously would have preferred to forgo being ‘snagged,’ I can’t think of a happier ending!
I get my stitches out tomorrow, and soon there will be little or no evidence of the shark attack encounter. However, the memories, lessons, trust and bond will remain infinitely!
(Did I mention, as of tomorrow I can go back in the pool?)
*Update- within weeks after this incident, I returned back…to live! Paulie is the best roommate ever!!!