Fri 27 May 2011
Oh puleeze!
Gretchen Rossi of the Bravo hit television series Real Housewives of Orange County, is asking a judge to muzzle her ex-boyfriend, Jay Photoglou from talking to the media about their ongoing legal battle, in which they are both suing each other for defamation, libel, among the claims.
Rossi is seeking a protective order which would prevent Jay from discussing or disclosing “any information obtained through pretrial discovery, including her deposition,” the court docs state.
Fri 20 May 2011
I know…we’re already half way into the year but I’m thinking you may be able to find this for 50% off somewhere! Maybe it’s just me, but I thought it was kinda funny!

Nice shoes!

Thu 19 May 2011
Just so you don’t lose another night’s sleep, yes I am alive and well. I have however, severely neglected my poor website and was reminded of this again just a few days ago. Excuse? Not so much. Where has the time gone and what have I been doing? Unfortunately not promoting world peace, saving the world…or even a sea lion.
Monkey Face
I fainted a few months ago walking down cement steps, I broke the fall with my face. I ended up rearranging my
teeth, I had 2 black eyes, a fat lip, (o.k, 2 of those too) and a swollen nose. It would be safe to say I closely reassembled someone (or something) from Planet of the Apes. For as bad as it was, I was back to looking semi-normal (really? you laugh?) within a couple weeks, (will spare you the before pics) my soft food diet lasted way too long though. I still have this insatiable craving for bananas. Weird, huh?
Makin’ Memories
I have been spending a lot of time these last few months with my sister, nieces and nephews. The laughter, tears, talks, adventures…the memories are so precious to me and has opened my eyes again to what life is really about. I cherish these times, a lot! I’m thankful for each and every one of them!
The Four Year Old
My sisters youngest, Joey is 4. Because she is not yet in school, I get to spend a lot of time with her. This is both beneficial and dangerous to my health. Not even kidding. She’s funny, witty, loving, charming and tough. She puts the biggest smile on my face and has me wrapped around her little finger. Truth be told, I’m old…(just ask her.) I try to keep up, I really do, but often find myself aching and covered in bruises. Aunt Heidi can not only slide down the slide, but has remastered climbing back up the slide. Aunt Heidi has been working the monkey bars (not to be mistaken, or even related to the monkey face) and can swing so high she can touch the trees with her feet. Aunt Heidi is a singer, personal make-up artist/hairdresser. She pushes a singing monkey around in a stroller….whilst sporting a tiara. Aunt Heidi is freakin’ exhausted…but wouldn’t trade these moments for all the Ben-Gay in the world. I love how she makes me laugh, I love making her laugh. I’m pretty sure my sister thinks we’re crazy. Whatever, she’s crazy.
The Tear
You remember how much I love Ventura? How much I love dolphins? Rescuing sea lions? My summer there last year was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. Shortly after I left, my friend Deanna moved to Florida. She was back in Ventura a few weeks ago and we were able to spend 5 days together! We laughed, cried, walked along the beach, zip-lined, did cartwheels, (mind you…she’s a whole lot older than 4!) danced, sang, oh…and ate! To say it was a blast would be an understatement, going to say it anyways. It was a blast. I only saw 1 sea lion this trip, but it was
ALIVE! A much different scenario than last year! The fact that I remained dolphinless for the first 3 days was a little disappointing. The 4th day I saw a few…the 5th day? There was a gazillion an invasion. Dorsal fins everywhere AND I happen to get close to about 300 pictures. Not even kidding. (I know, but…they’re dolphins!!) I headed home just before sunset with a little tear in my eye. (no pics, sorry) It was a bittersweet little tear, so happy to have had such an incredible time…so sad to have to leave. It made me realize once again, it’s time for a Cool Change.
Hit The Road Jack
And so…my next journey begins. I will share, once I know myself what that is. I just know, it’s time. For now, I take 1 day at a time…I laugh, I cry, (I fall) but I am determined to continue moving forward. You know? It’s a given though, it will include my family, my friends, (most of ‘em) a certain 4 year old…and a hella of a lot of bananas!
Weird, huh?

Fri 15 Apr 2011
Some days I smile…some days I cry…others, I find myself still processing the reality of it. But there has not been one day I have not thought about you, missed you or talked to you.
It was 365 days ago today I lost a piece of my heart, my aunt, one of my best friends. I have struggled these past few weeks, mindful this day was approaching. This is a text message I received to help get me through the day, I am really holding on to these words…
“O.K. Chin up She’s looking over you and it would make her smile to SEE you doing good and happy.”
Aunt Bobbie,
I miss…
your smile
your infectious giggle
your shoulder to cry on.
I miss…
your Spice Drop Cookies (I might even miss your Waldorf Salad…k, maybe not)
your unconditional love
your words of wisdom.
I miss…
the encouragement and inspiration you gave me to write. I have lost that passion
our marathon phone calls and your ability to listen as much as I talked. (You would love the barely-holds-a-charge battery I have now!!!)
our “code words” that I could never remember. (Seriously, translating ‘How do your eyes feel?’ into ‘I need help!’ could happen to anyone!)
how you forgave so easily.
I miss…
spraying “Phuket” body spray on ourselves when we were having a bad day.
you, making me laugh
making you laugh
you telling me everything would be o.k…and making me believe it.
I miss…
hearing your voice
hugging you
I miss…
I’m going to do my best today to keep my chin up. You’re looking over me…I want to make you smile…SEE…I’m doing o.k…I’m good…I’m happy.
I love you,
Thu 7 Apr 2011
A blast from the past, originally posted 2/27/10
A few weeks ago I mentioned I had gotten a tattoo as a tribute to my oldest son who is a cancer survivor. (he has been in remission for 317 days…not that I’m counting) Now, I sailed through my last two…this one? Not so much. I had anticipated pain and I actually kind of like it. Did I anticipate the pain being comparable to that of having 1,000′s of small nails pounded into my veins causing the sensation my toes were seconds away from exploding? Not so much, I kind of didn’t like that. I was a trooper though and after a high-five and a fist bump with the tattoo artist paying for my new ink I hobbled to my car.
It was pretty sore the next few days, and the next few days after that. I hadn’t anticipated the healing process to take so long, nor did I anticipate redness, swelling or the pain that accompanied it. Although my “foot tattoo leads to amputation” “death caused by foot tattoo” Google searches only directed me to encouraging news, I wasn’t convinced. I might have even snapped into O.C.D. mode. You can ask my family, you can ask my friends…heck, you can even ask the sales lady at Target that directed towards the cream you use for red, swollen, painful tattoos.
“Follow me” she says, “I just found it for someone else for the same thing.”
Somebody else might need an amputation too? The tattoo industry sure is going to pot!
“Oh really?” I asked pointing to my foot, “Did theirs look like this?”
“No, I…I think it was a butterfly.”
Clearly that’s not what I meant. The fact that I had even turned to the Target lady was humiliating enough. Responding would only make it worse…if that’s possible.
Suddenly, there was a light at the end of the tunnel. I remembered I had a doctors appointment in a few days, I could just have him look at my foot while I’m there. He would be able to assure me everything is fine, or he could tell me having my foot amputated was the least of my worries. Maybe that light at the end of the tunnel is really an oncoming train?
The morning of my appointment, I was thrilled to see my foot was redder and much more swollen. At least I wouldn’t appear to be such an O.C.D. hypochondriac. Right? I finished up the appointment but for some reason was hesitant to bring my foot up, the red, swollen, irritated, tattooed foot. Was I in denial? Possibly, as inevitable as it was, nobody wants to hear, “yes, we will need to amputate your foot. Do you have someone to drive you home today?” I put my big girl panties on and explained my dilemma. The doctor took a quick glance as he walked back over to me,
“Looks like cellulitis ”
“Huh?” I quickly came to my foots defense, “Because it’s swollen…because it’s red and swollen? Both my feet are swollen, look at both of them…they’re fat…I have fat feet!!!” I wailed.
Still standing on the examination table with a syringe in each hand, I warned them not to come any closer. My obsession of being reassured had just backfired on me. After a closer inspection, both the doctor and his nurse were in agreement that it looked o.k. The nurse explained she had a tattoo in the same place, and it did the same thing. (I wonder if it’s a butterfly and she bought her cream at Target? hmm…)
“It’s a very tender area…every time you walk…it takes much longer to heal.” Helllooo?? To be on the safe side, I was given some antibiotics. If all went well, I wouldn’t need my foot amputated. As I walked to my car on my fat feet, I had a skip in my step…I had really handled that pretty well! I took an antibiotic when I got home, and another before bed. I generously applied the topical antibiotic to my (irritated but not infected with cellulitis, newly inked, fat) foot, laid down and closed my eyes. (continue)
Fri 25 Mar 2011
Remember the post I did a few weeks ago about my amazing friends amazing website dedicated to Hummingbirds…complete with a LIVE webcam? So amazing in fact, a few days after that post “Emma” who had just laid two eggs, was featured on ABC News and a story was done in the O.C. Register. “Emma” is quite the star now…she is also a new mommy!
A raisin has pecked out of the Tic Tac sized shell…
Watch LIVE webcam!