Fri 17 Jul 2009
So I went and hung out with my boys and future daughter-in-law the other night. We had a nice visit and watched a little T.V. I wonder if I’ll ever get used to seeing them pop open a cold beer…and then drink it!!! A tall glass of milk to wind down after a long day would be just as refreshing. What’s with all the fancy names and flavors now? In the olden days we drank Corona’s, Coors and maybe an occasional Budweiser, (barefoot in the snow) we survived. I can’t even pronounce most of the name’s nowadays, let alone know what they are. I was there for about 3 hours and remembered I still had to go to the store, the same store I went to a few weeks ago and realized I had 2 different flip-flops on while I was there. Yeah like I’d make that mistake again, I did do a double take on the way in…to be on the safe side. I return home, kick off my matching shoes and put my groceries away. It was shortly after that, I realize my shirt was on backwards. I would like to thank my kids for pointing this out to me and allowing me to go shopping like that. (In their defense, it was a tank top and wasn’t that noticeable…still.) No wonder the employee’s at the store are extra nice to me. Realizing I’m not the sharpest too in the shed, they either a) feel sorry for me, or b) they’re terrified of me.
It’s been so quiet on the home front, and I have finally been able to sleep a little better at night. You remember my flea rant from a few days ago? I know you are all on the edge of your seats wondering how it
turned out, I have good news and bad news. For the hell of it, let’s go with the bad news first. I got home that night, put my shirt on right and vacuumed for about the 648th time that day. Shortly after, my b/f got home from his bff’s friends house, (he had been there for a few hour working on a compressor …or something
that sounds like that.) We’re standing in the kitchen talking, and guess what I see? Damn flea, hopped right in front of me like he owned the place. As I stomp, flick and drown the bugger, as I’m freaking out talking I see another one. @#!¿¢#!!! It was then b/f decides to play it safe and vanishes in to the shower. Like a ton of bricks, it hits me. I hustle my fanny into the bathroom, grab his socks and shake them in
to the sink…I see a 3rd. Having solved the mystery, I realize I’m a frickin genius!! B/f was bringing them home from his friends house. It all makes sense now. He stores some of his equipment there and goes over there 3 to 4 times a week. We have a problem.
After going through and RE-vacuuming the house, I sat down to do some soul searching access the situation. I needed to make some decisions. Although I love my furballs to no end, I can’t spend $80.00 a month on flea drops, (that are obviously over priced by $79.99) $50.00 in vacuum bags, not to mention hours and hours of vacuuming. It is unfair to make them and us suffer, I have to do what’s right. I was a hard decision, really hard. I am now looking for a good, caring, loving home, preferably a home that does not have any other animals. God, I’m going to miss that man.
It is now about 1:oo a.m. I get my P.J.’s on and start to unwind for the evening. Now, I have a little confession to make. I had been having a horrible craving for ice-cream all day and up to this point, was doing a darn good job resisting my urge. (I don’t needs more pounds right now just for those pesky little guys to feast upon!) I did some internal reasoning with myself and decide that after the night I had, the ice-cream was wellÂ
deserved. If you also count the decision I had to make, I deserve a decent sized bowl of it. All comfy and cozy, T.V. on and a pillow and blanket awaiting me on the couch. I get out my decent sized bowl, grab a spoon and feast my eyes on that Dreyers container I had thought about resisted so well. Are you kidding me? Who does this? Why?
I must now go back and revise my ad to the following: Looking for a good, caring, loving home, preferably a home that does not have any other animals. Comes with free pad-lock for freezer.

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