Thu 30 Oct 2008
You know those days when it seems like everything that could go wrong, does…. those days you find yourself wondering why you even bothered getting out of bed…those days you begin questioning your own sanity? Me too, often. Today I spent my morning doing things around the house. I cleaned a bit, did the dishes, washed some laundry. I sat out on the patio and read for awhile then came in to finish some computer work. So far so good! Now I need to get ready to run a few errands…this is usually when all hell breaks loose. While some find it amusing….others, well not so much. It’s as if I become possessed by the demons of punctuality. Whether it be an unexpected guest/repairman, a last minute wardrobe malfunction, allowing myself to become distracted, or misplacing something, (thank God my kids are grown) I am late for everything! There are three things I will not leave home without; my cell phone, my keys and my sunglasses. As I prepare to leave,
cell phone 
I have ultra sensitive eyes and without my glasses, will melt like the witches of Oz the moment the sun hits them. Once again I was late to my destination, but I did find my sunglasses…eventually!

*guess what? I saw Tim McGraw today walking out of Longs Drugstore with a 12 pack of Miller Lite. He looked me square in the eye and said, “Hi, how are you?” I swear! I think! I’m almost sure! chances are? …it REALLY did look like him! (hey, at least it wasn’t Elvis!)

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November 9th, 2008 at 9:23 am
hahaha only you!!! well me too i guess…lol
May 15th, 2009 at 1:25 am
Hey, very nice blog!! I have bookmarked your site and have taken the feeds also.