There will never be another cat like Rex. He was everything and more you could ask for from a 4 legged, furry friend. He shared with us the ups and downs of the past 14 years, he was a confidant, an entertainer, a sleeping companion, a comfort and a joy. Rex had a mind of his own, if he did not like you, he would let it be known…and for some twisted reason it would become very important to have his approval and you would cater to his needs, eventually winning him over. He loved to play fetch with his McDonalds Happy Meal toy mouse that he kept close tabs on for the last 12 years. If you did not share your licorice, he would simply get his own and crawl up on the couch next to you. On those few and far between mornings I would wake up without him, 3 pats to my chest to let him know I was awake would bring him running to me despite what he was into or who he was tormenting! Rex disliked other animals and at times intimidated the 2 labs we used to have. This all changed 6 or so years ago when a filthy, matted up stray cat showed up at our door, hungry and cold. We fed her but I was determined not to adopt another cat….Rex was enough to handle! He literally laid at our front door with his nose touching the door night after night until we gave and brought her in. She was a little petite Persian thing that although he would not give the time of day to, waited his turn to eat now, gave up his sleeping arrangements, etc…. Did he ever adore her? No. Did he tolorate her? Sometimes. She had alot of medical issues in the begining, I think Rex sensed she needed us and he did his part to let us know that. He taught her how to play, how to bathe, how to be a kitty (and wrap us around her finger as well!) After adopting him from the pound I always told him how lucky he was to have a family that loved him so much. He had now in his own way, rescued this other cat giving her that same family and love he had.
I could not imagine life without this guy, but the years were catching up to him. He was 14, he was slowing down, his health was failing. We did what we could to keep him comfortable for as long as we could….until that day came. I laid my head next to his on the Vet’s table, talking to him, reassuring him this was the right thing to do. He purrrred, gave me a quick little bite reminding me he was not happy and he took his last breath. I felt like I had lost my best friend and in a sense, I had. It was only then I realized, he was not the lucky one…we were the lucky ones. To have had been blessed by this little guy for so long.
Rex, for all the years of joy and love you gave to us, you will always hold a special place in our hearts! We will always love you big boy!
Journaling reads, “And can it be in a world so full and busy, the loss of one
weak creature makes a void in any heart, so wide and deep that nothing
but the width and depth of eternity can fill it up”
~Charles Dickens
