Fri 19 Dec 2008
I originally sat down to take a break from cleaning, my cat was sleeping and I didn’t want to wake her with the vacuum. I have since taken a nice hot shower, put my p.j.’s on, climbed into bed and watched the season finale of one of my favorite shows, Dr. Drew’s Rehab. I will vacuum tomorrow. As much of a princess my cat is, she doesn’t usually have that much pull in the household. Poor thing has a bladder infection and has been miserable all day, her sleeping meant a break from her meooowwwing. Hopefully the meds will kick in by tomorrow and we will all feel better! She now lay at my feet snoring…I can’t win.
So my apartment complex decided to replace all the toilets with “high efficiency, dual flush toilets” to conserve water. Great idea…I can get past the fact it’s not a real homey feeling toilet, it
has more of that hotel/restaurant feel, but how do you use the damn thing? I had to go online to learn what button to push and when…wtf? Honest to God, they actually have how to and video tutorials for this thing. I did my research. There is the button on the left which is the 0.8 gallon volume, the one on the right, 1.6 gallon volume. Typically, 4 out of 5 flushes will be your left button (0.8 g.v) which in the long run saves 1,000′s of gallons of water. I guess the button on the right is as per needed.
I had a nice conversation with my ‘older’ sister today, she lives in Seattle and with so much going on (she is a grandma now you know) lately, we haven’t had much time to chit-chat.
“Hi…how are you???”
“O.k., I hurt my back and shoulder”
“How did you do that?”
“Slip in the snow?”
“No…I’ve done that before, I’m really careful now!”
“So what happened?”
“Well I just came in (from the snow and ice) and went to sit down and missed the chair”
Doggone if I didn’t choke on that .99 cent doughnut I just got at 7-11
“So how are you?” (that would be me)
“O.k., I hurt my hip”
“How did you do that?”
“Oh no” I continue. “I was really excited that I was able to get back into one of my favorite pants again. I thought it would be cute to get a picture of me doing the yippee jump”
“The yippee jump?”
“Yeah where you jump up and bend your legs up to one side and go yippee”
“Well I didn’t think my yippee jump was high enough”
“So I tried to do it jumping off my bed, I didn’t land so well.”
After a brief moment of silence we died laughing. At 48, she should know better than to not know where she’s sitting. At 45, I should probably not be jumping off beds trying to perfect the yippee jump. Mom…you’ve got to be bloody well proud!!
It’s now well past my bed time. I think I’m going to make a quick trip to the restroom first. Now that I know what buttons to push, I kinda just want to test it. Otherwise, (I can’t resist) all that knowledge will just go down the drain!!

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December 19th, 2008 at 8:43 pm
Thanks for the laugh tonight! We are bad aren’t we?
December 20th, 2008 at 9:36 am
to cute:)
December 21st, 2008 at 5:45 am
great post, thank you!
If you are interested in finding out more about your new Caroma Dual Flush toilet, please visit my blog
Caroma, an Australian toilet and sink manufacturer, invented the dual flush washdown flush toilet 25 years ago. In fact, there are more dual flush toilets sold world wide that the American style “siphonic flush†toilets so many Americans are accustomed to. In fact, you can flush a baseball through a Caroma toilet because the trapway is 3.4 to 4″. This is something no other toilet can do.
Caroma only makes water conserving toilets and in fact has more toilets on the EPA Watersense list that Kohler, Toto, Sterling, and American Standard combined.
Best regards,
Andrea Paulinelli, ecoTransitions