Thu 12 Aug 2010
Excuse me while I familiarize myself with what I’m supposed to be doing. It’s been so long, too long… I shared a little about what my life has entailed here. Two people close to me have suffered strokes in the last month. “Jack” is 43, “Mary” is in her 50′s. Obviously very unexpected for both of them.
In addition to the stroke, “Jack” had deep tissue bleeding on the right side of his brain, in an area that would have left him a vegetable had they operated to stop the bleed. If it continued to bleed, death was imminent. Thank GOD, the bleeding quit on it’s own. “Jack” left the hospital after several days in I.C.U. much a much different man. His speech, memory, thought process and his right arm were all compromised greatly. Those first few days were much like watching after a toddler, absolutely heartbreaking to say the least. Things are slowly coming back to him, but he has a long ways to go. He is alive, and for that we couldn’t be any more grateful, the rest will come in time….xoxoxo
“Mary” was taken to the hospital a few weeks ago for what they thought at first, was a heart attack. She left diagnosed as possibly having Vertigo. Two days later she was admitted with a blood pressure of 230/113 and went into a coma. A CT showed fluid in her brain and she was taken into surgery immediately. The doctor came out and told they had removed the “dead” part of her brain which affects the equilibrium. At best, she probably would never be able to walk again and would not have any coordination skills. He continued to tell us, their concern was being able to even keep her alive. That was less than 2 weeks ago…her facebook status today reads (via her daughter) “Nubs for a hair do. Front and back. Bruises on my arms and bruises on my hand. Partial brain removal. What makes it all worth it? Knowing I have FB family and friends to pull me through it, THANK U! Love “Mary”” Can you say Amen? Unbelievable…not to mention, she took steps on day 10!
I am so proud and love you both very much!!!

So, yeah. Before during and after all of this, I was moving. Kind of had to rearrange a few dates and stuff but it got done, thanks to both my boys and my bestie from Ventura!!! I love you guys! Oh…and me too! →

Oliver…well he’s always in the mix!
This past weekend was exciting…one of my babies turned 27 • TWENTY-SEVEN! I will post more on that tomorrow! Woo-hoo!
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