Sat 1 Aug 2009

I survived, but not without a fight.
I will be honest, I had all intentions of canceling or even just rescheduling the dentist appointment. After much thought (and a few people telling me I was a big baby) I decided I would just be prolonging the inevitable. After all, I had spent so much time getting my affairs in order.
With my big girl panties and my tan pants on, I said good-bye to my little furballs, secured the house and got in the car. That was my first mistake… It was only after I sat down did I remember the little piece of chocolate that had gone unaccounted for the day before. I had a pretty good idea where it was now. Melted in my seat. I run back in the house and do a quick butt check in the mirror. The chocolate is still unaccounted for and I was good to go. I had my directions (H.I.P.) and was even running on time…a big plus for me!
I arrive to my destination only to find a grocery store. Albertsons. Not the dentist. Not any dentist. Knowing it can’t be too far, I cruise around for a few minutes. Now I’m running late, I’ve gone through too much to turn back now, I am going to the dentist if it’s the last thing I do. I finally do the logical thing and call for, perhaps more specific directions. Oh, I’m a good 4 or 5 miles away…a minor glitch Google Maps might want to look in to. Ya know, whether it was anxiety, frustration or just pure stupidity I do a quick glance to make sure it’s clear and make a huge illegal u-turn. I have a pretty good idea why it’s illegal now, it’s a tight turn, a 3 point turn. Now cars are approaching and in my attempts to hurry, I inadvertently flick the windshield wipers on, hit the horn a few times and do a little skid. I cuss a little in my head, smile and drive to the dentist.
I apologize profusely for my tardiness hoping I didn’t anger anyone too badly. You never want to make anyone at a dentist office mad. They were very nice, but just in case…I thought I should get my paper work done in a timely manner and maybe we would break even time wise. Bad call on my part. You know all those yes/no questions they ask you? You can even mess those up if you rush, and it just takes that much longer for them to ask if you really have a Pacemaker or V.D. Ooops.
It’s my turn
I’m pretty calm at this point, really. I usually do o.k. once I’m there, usually. The second I got in the x-ray room I had an anxiety attack and then became very emotional. Now, instead of x-ray’s they are checking my blood pressure and pulse. Maybe it was a good thing I had gotten my affairs in order after all. I gather what dignity I have left and meet with…the dentist. He informs me that after a week of antibiotics I will need 2 extractions. But what about my pacemaker? I tell him I have plans next week….everyday “Well, we can do it today if you prefer.”
Next week is perfect.
Before I left, he assured me I would be fine. His assistant assured me I would be fine. The x-ray lady assured me I would be fine. They were so nice and comforting I actually walked out of there with a little spring in my walk….thinking about all my new friends.
Just as I approached my car my oldest son sent me a text message,
“How did it go?”
“O.k., they are going to pull 2 teeth next Wednesday”
“Ouch. Hope they put you under and have good pain pills”
“No, I’ll be awake, they don’t put you under for that”
“Ah, sorry : ( ”
It’s obvious he knows something I don’t.
I ran a couple errands then went and hung out with my boys and future daughter-in-law for awhile. It was a little after 8 when I remembered I still had to get my antibiotic. A minor detail. The pharmacy was busy but as I quickly handed off my prescription to “Shelly” (yes we are all on a first name basis there…they know me well!) she assured she would take care of it next and to come back in 20 minutes. Score! I headed next door to Trader Joe’s to grab my turtle some grub and realized I still had the prescription in my hand. At this point I’m thinking a toothache, pacemaker and V.D. are the least of my worries. I went back to the pharmacy to find I had handed “Shelly” my cable bill. I remind myself the day is almost over, tomorrow will be a better day!
I got home, popped an antibiotic and started unwinding. It was a little after 12, I was so glad the day was over. All that worrying for nothing, the dentist? It didn’t even hurt. Today was going to be a new day and it was going to be a great day. I dream…
It was less than 2 hours later, I woke up to pounding on my front door. I bet the dentist is here to check on me. Maybe “Shelly” had my electric bill too and was bringing it to me. As I was gathering my thoughts (a task in itself) a voice yells, “hey you bitch.” Before I could even say, “I’m coming” they were gone.
And so another day, my day had begun…

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August 6th, 2009 at 2:30 pm
You were such a big girl when we had those 2 teeth pulled hahaha