Fri 16 Jul 2010
So for the next day or so I’m having a party, a big ole’ party and you are all invited! It’s not my birthday, I didn’t win Mother of the Year Award, (oh wait, yes I did) I’m not graduating from a prestigious college with honors, nor am I moving far, far away.
I am
having a “Pity Party!”
I feel like all I do is complain anymore, but friends, this past week takes the cake. Without going into too much detail, I spent 5 nights sleeping upright in I.C.U., I became a full time nurse, and spent endless hours praying… I am also still in the process of trying to move as well! (= gifts x 2?) I deserve this party, this “Pity Party” Care to join me? To better serve my guests, I have compiled a small gift list…in no particular order;
•A weeks vacation to the Galapagos Islands
•A full body massage, daily, for a year. (Alright, a month)
•My own male harem to fan me with ginormous leaves and hand feed me grapes, and Froot Loops.
•A top notch team of packers, movers, unpackers and organizers.
•A large beach front house to enjoy the sounds of the waves as I receive my massages. (oh…and to house my harems)
•A new attitude.
•An endless supply of patience and understanding.

Drowning in sorrows for everyone. Tissue will be provided on a first come, first serve basis.

Yoo hoo…did I mention I was also hit by a car while walking through a parking lot? You might want to bring a friend or two, I have a feeling it’s going to be a doozy! See you there…
Cant. Friggen. Wait.
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July 17th, 2010 at 5:01 pm
Yikes! Ok i am officially going to quit complaining about this pimple i just found!