Sun 21 Dec 2008
F.Y.I., there is a Santa!
A little over a month ago I befriended a cat (well actually many, this one in particular.) My first instinct was to snatch it up, hide it in my jacket and smuggle it home. Then it donned on me, it might actually belong to someone. I stalked visited this little fella everyday, trying to gain it’s trust so I could at least pet it’s luscious coat of fur. It was almost always in the same place leading me to believe it probably did have a home. After a little investigating, I was totally crushed learning it was in fact someone’s pet but happy to know it had a loving home. Every time I saw him I would come home and announce how much I wanted this cutie!
Fast forward a month, I continue to visit my ‘friend’ and am able to now pet and hold him. A few nights ago I had been out for my nightly walk and visit. Every time I walked away, my little friend insisted on following me. After about the 10th time I scooped him up and knocked on his owners door, explained what was going on and handed him back to them. They were very grateful, they were also very shocked that I was holding him….this was not a common occurrence. I explained my love of Persians and how I had one at home. The conversation became quite lengthy but to make a long story short, they let me know they were moving. My heart sunk as I knew how much I would miss my little friend. They went on to say they were moving to a smaller place and didn’t know if they would be able to take both their dog and the cat. The lady said she was torn and her heart was broken….his name is Oliver….I still can’t believe he let you pick him up… If you are interested, you may make this decision easier for us. “It is obvious you have built a bond with Oliver, at this point I really don’t think we can take him with us. Would you be interested in giving him a home….it would make this so much easier knowing he would be loved and I can see he already is” My heart sank even more. Keep your composure Heidi or they may change their mind! “Of..ab..we..I would love to!” We talked a bit longer and I told her to think about it and I would get back to them in a few days to find out their decision. She agreed but left me with, “I think we have.”
Without further adieu, meet Oliver….the cat I might, almost for sure get!

*click on the image for a closer look at my new cat, Oliver
Of course I will keep you updated!!!

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December 22nd, 2008 at 5:09 pm
I am very happy for you. Oliver is a great Christmas present. Merry Christmas and I love you guys.
December 29th, 2008 at 2:31 pm
awww so dang cute!!!! oliver deserves you!!