Mon 11 Jan 2010
Judge of your natural character by what you do in your dreams.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
Another one of those dreams.
FYI- I’m a bit concerned about my sanity. Really.
• My sister and I were were shopping and ran into “Ann”, an old friend of hers from high school. “Ann” invited us to her house.
• Once we arrive there, we are escorted to a neighborhood conference room to watch the news. They were searching for 2 men, we are now prisoners of “Anns” planned community.
• While watching the news, “Ann’s” mom smacked my arm off the table, it was obstructing her view. Her aunt took my pulse and whispered to me it was o.k.
• My sister, “Ann” and myself decide to drive around. Within our limits, of course. I pointed out the house I was in the process of buying, they were both very excited for me. I was totally lying and liked it.
• They went back to the neighborhood conference room, I went for a walk through “Ann’s” community property. There were helicopters and police everywhere and I was terrified of crossing the street. I asked a man standing nearby if it was o.k. as long as I used the crosswalk, he told me to go ahead, if it wasn’t o.k., the helicopter people would announce on their megaphones for me to go back to the neighborhood conference room. I crossed the street.
• I walked back to the house I was in the process of buying and told a few SWAT guys about my purchase. It felt good to lie again. I headed back to the neighborhood conference room in “Ann’s” planned community. (I’m not sure how long I was gone. Do dreams have days, hours, minutes?) It must have been awhile because in the far distance I see my sister standing on a corner waiting for me. She had on a long sleeved brown shirt on and a yellow ski vest.
• The closer I got to her, she seemed that much further away. By the time I got there, she was gone. I had lost my purse. I didn’t have a phone or even a telephone number to get a hold of her…of anyone. I was alone and lost. I was alone and lost in “Ann’s” planned community.
• I borrowed stole somebodies old Range Rover and started driving up and down each street, I was really lost. I started asking if anyone had seen my sister in her long brown shirt and yellow ski vest. The brakes were going out on the Range Rover so I pulled over to write the owners a note about what a hazard it could be.
• The next street I went down was lined with trees, and at each tree there was a crowd. I drove slowly staring at each crowd. Then in a far of distance, I see the long sleeved brown shirt and the yellow ski vest amongst the crowd. I wave her over but she obviously didn’t recognize the old Range Rover I had scored!
• I get out and start running towards her keeping a very close eye on that yellow ski vest. I call her name and she seems to now be working her way to the outside of the crowd, I get to my destination after what seemed like an eternity. There she stood, my sister, a brown weiner dog in a yellow vest.
~The End
Remember the last dream I blogged about?
I’m a bit concerned about my sanity. Really

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