Tue 14 Sep 2010
National Peanut Day
Posted by Heidi under Ramblings & Such
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Remember me…Heidi? This is my neglected, yet not forgotten about blog.
I seriously do not know where the days have gone…where time has gone. It’s been a pretty busy few months & not necessarily a productive busy. A lot of fun busy, some not so fun busy…but busy none the less. My cup runneth over my friends, I’m enjoying the flow, enjoying life.
I have moved, watched two people very near and dear to my heart recover from strokes, aneurysms and deep tissue brain bleeds. I
have spent much needed time with old friends and family, I have made new friends (actually I have a new BFF. Judy or Julie…I’m not sure, we might save that for another day) and reconnected with long lost relatives. I have rekindled my love for photography…despite the lack of seals, sea lions and dolphins, I only pray that coyotes are just as friendly. ahh- wooooooo â†coyote sound.
On September 7th, I became a Great Aunt for the second time!!! Congratulations to Eric, Jaime and big brother Aiden on the arrival of precious baby Austin. Great Aunt Heidi will be meeting both Aiden and Austin for the first time in a few weeks. I think I’m busy now, wait til I smuggle two little boys home with me. Just kidding guys. Kinda.
Today was National Peanut Day…not to be mistaken for National Peanut Butter and Jelly Day or National Peanut Lovers Day. I’m a little disappointed I am just learning about this. It’s probably a good thing though, I have enough on my plate right now…my cup runneth over and I am enjoying the flow, I’m enjoying life.
Here’s to reacquainting myself with my neglected, yet not forgotten about blog. Baby steps my friends, baby steps!