Sat 13 Nov 2010
Nipper, The Tiny Flipper
Posted by Heidi under Ramblings & Such
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This about sends me over the edge. Heartbreaking, yet heartwarming.

Estimated to be approximately 10 days old, Nipper was alone and injured when found. Injuries believed to have been caused by a fishing net, Nipper is being nursed back to health at a rescue center.

A hit with the visitors at the rescue, Nipper has also sparked the interest of a Magellan penguin. What a tragic story on it’s way to a happy ending!
It’s no secret to anyone that knows me, I love dolphins. Truth be told, I’m a bit obsessed. There is something about their presence that is both magical and calming, and their perm-a-grin simply melts my heart.
I have any and everything from wood carvings to jewelry to writing pens, key chains, wine glasses, to dolphin slippers. Let us not forget about my dolphin tattoo. They make me smile, they make me happy so it only makes sense to surround myself with them.
It’s also no secret to anyone that knows me that I’m a Sea Lion Whisperer, so I have a little experience rescuing our sea life…kinda. Had I found Nipper, you probably would not be reading about it, nor would the cute little penguin have a new friend. His name would be Huna and I’m afraid Huna would be next to me right now in a fancy Little Tykes Swimming Pool surrounded by baby size dolphin toys. I would make midnight runs to the store to keep fresh supplies of mackerel, herring, cod and squid on hand (maybe not squid) and I would continuously play 1 of the 3 “Dolphin Magic” C.D.’s I received for Christmas. I would be…in absolute heaven!
I‘m going to go out on a limb here and say the rescue center is probably the better choice for Nipper Huna Nipper. I truly hope there are follow up reports of his continued recovery and growth. It really amazes me, with all this little guy has been through already, his perm-a-grin is as big as ever. It’s no secret to anyone that knows me…that simply melts my heart.
Read the full story on Nipper here.