Sun 18 Jan 2009
If you missed Part one, scroll down to the previous post!
Aside from neglecting my website and leaving you all with sleepless nights, I have also failed to follow through with my weekly Random Acts of Kindness, “R.A.K.” However, the last one was a doozy and I’m sure the recipients were caught completely off guard! I went to a drive-thru and not only paid for my food but for the vehicle behind me as well. (told you it was good!) NOTE TO SELF- Before committing, take a quick peak back to see if it’s a couple people in a car or an S.U.V full of kids. Either way it was a good feeling and I drove away singing Tommy Lee’s “Good Times” at the top of my lungs! I do have some making up to do, not to mention a few good ideas! When was the last time you performed a R.A.K.?
Let’s catch up on Oliver, the cat my neighbors asked me to take when they moved. I am not sure what is going on or where lil Olivers fate lies. I hobbled (the being sick and all thing) over to their apartment shortly after the holidays, although there were a few things still in their backyard and a couple night lights on in the house it appeared empty. I checked back each day, no changes, no Oliver. Perhaps they had decided to keep him. A few days ago while taking the trash out, I got the feeling I was being followed. I was, run Oliver, run!! He ran right to me and I gave him the biggest kitty hug. I walked him back to his ‘home’ and nothing had changed and still hasn’t. His ‘home’ is two building from mine but I have brought him over enough that he knows his way back and forth. I am keeping food and water available at both places until I figure out what’s going on. My thought personally….they originally took him, changed their mind and dropped him back off here. Poor baby!
Our good friends B & J stopped by a few nights ago (sorry guys if you’re sick now too!) It was good to see them….a little embarrassing though. B was in a motorcycle accident a month or so ago and broke about every bone from his knees down in both legs. He is now wheelchair bound with more nuts, bolts, and rods in his legs than I have in my car. His spirits are good, I just think it would have been nice had we made the time and effort to go see him. It was really good to see J too, it’s been a few years. Bottom line, we suck as friends!!!
If all works out, we may be moving within the next month. Our lease is ending so we probably should decide soon. We found a house with an extra bedroom and get this…a big front and back yard. I love gardening, grubs, weeds and all! Oliver will be going with if nothing changes by then! Stay tuned.
Well all, time for me to wind down, take my meds., ice my eyes and vicks up my legs…..I’m going to be a step ahead of Jimmy leg tonight. Good times!!!

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