Wed 26 Sep 2007
Bill, Scott and a few other friends…
Posted by Heidi under Ramblings & Such
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That would be Bill Gates!!
My nephew, Scott (on the right looking ever so business like!) once again got to hang, mingle, and rub shoulders with Bill Gates as Halo 3 was launched at Best Buy in Bellevue, WA. Watch closely as Scott intently surveys the area to ensure Bill a safe exit. It wasn’t long after, Scott found himself acting as a barrier between Bill and this rowdy crowd. Am I surprised? …nah, he’s always been kind of a risk taker. Proud? …yeah, but to him it’s just another day on the job, hanging out…just Bill, Scott, and a few other friends!
Making their way through the media, Bill and Scott reflect on the day. Good job Scott!

Until next time…