Thu 28 Feb 2008
Chapter 7
Posted by Heidi under My Book, Ramblings & Such
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if you have not read the previous chapters of my big, thick book click here…if you have, you are good to go!
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.
I can share this one time, just between you and me!
So, get this. I was in Sin City for a concert, (o.k…I am a Parrot Head)
I spent the day by the hotel pool, evenly tanned in my micro bikini.) I had a couple Margaritas –maybe more- It was a nice, Sunny Afternoon and luckily the pool sported two water slides. A whoop-dee-do one and a whoa-that-was-scary one. There were kids of all ages enjoying every little bump, curve and drop. Then there was me and some friends, Fruitcakes who had consumed a couple Margaritas –maybe more- right behind those kids. I think at one point there were more adults than kids. But after a couple Margaritas –maybe more- it’s hard to say.
After our thrilling adventure by the pool, it was time to unwind our evenly tanned bodies and get a nap in before the concert. Bare in mind mine was a voluntary nap, unlike others who at this point had had too many Margaritas, whoop-dee-do’s, whoa-that-was-scary, bumps, curves and drops. They just plain, passed out.
It’s time to go to the concert. We head out for a Cheeseburger In Paradise and then to Margaritaville for Boat Drinks. Finally…we prepare to move our Fins to the Left and Fins to the Right.
I had on a cute, (really cute, I think I got it on sale at Nordstrom’s) black sundress and some trendy, little, black, strappy sandals. (Those were really cute too; I can’t remember where I got those. I do remember though they were a slightly darker shade than the dress. It’s so hard to match blacks just right, you know what I mean? Oh my gosh, whites are the same way. One time, I was getting…hmm….never mind.) Again, I was also evenly tanned.
Who cares you ask? Hell if I know, but it could solve this on going mystery.
As we approached the concert, anticipating the beat of Six String Music. We are preceded by Uncle John’s Band, so you could probably imagine the line is pretty long! Since we are true Parrot Heads and have bonafied tickets, we decide to walk around….they can’t give our seats away!
A friend suggests, Why Don’t We Get Drunk, hello???!!! We already are. Silly friend. So we head out and about Sin City, me in my cute, really cute, black sundress and some trendy, little, black, strappy sandals. Shortly thereafter, I was approached with a request for my autograph.
It then started a chain reaction (O.K. 2 people total, maybe a link verses a chain!) I graciously obliged and like a pro scribbled my John Hancock. This, I think made my drunk friends jealous…I didn’t really care, it was all about me for those 32.822 seconds. If you ever see this for sale on ebay, grab you a copy, it is sure to be worth a pretty penny.
So who am I? I dunno, perhaps they thought I was Delaney