Wed 14 May 2008
Posted by Heidi under Ramblings & Such
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As I mentioned in my previous post, I arrived in Ventura yesterday. You will be happy to know I did not pee my pants. My primary reason for this visit is to participate in the Relay For Life walk. We will begin Saturday @ 10:00 a.m. and alternate walking until our final lap Sunday@ 10:00 a.m. There is much to do to prepare. My best friend lives on the beach here so I must sit, watching the waves anticipating our journey. We must have a naughty lady party to kick off the arrival of our 16 team members, most of which are coming from Florida. We must shop Ventura Ave., we will spend our final night preparing with a Taco Party and dancing on the beach. We will walk our little hearts out for 24 hrs and celebrate our success at the Strawberry Festival. What an incredible experience this will be knowing WE have made a difference and honoring all that have been touched by cancer.
Day 1 Probably one of the most special and memorable days I have experienced in a long time. Sitting there sunning my tootsies, camera in hand I wait…and wait…and wait to get one glimpse of a dolphin. I am a dolphin lover, the sight of one brings me to tears. (I have my very own dolphin, Pulama. Really. I adopted one, she is living in Hawaii) So imagine my delight to see a big honkin’ one jump out of the water, just on the other side of the waves. Camera in hand, this tourist is running like a mad woman to get the best possible shot or even a glimpse. I hear the word “whale.” How rude these locals are. So I don’t quite have the body I once did but I wouldn’t consider myself a whale. I then realize my big honkin’ dolphin is a whale. I shriek, partly because I know now they are not referring to me as a whale. I shriek louder because I have never seen a whale in it’s natural environment. I am in awww all the while running like a mad woman. Don’t know how many people I jumped over, didn’t care.
I watched in amazement as it glided gracefully in the water occasionally seeing a burst of water from it’s blow hole. I get as close as possible without swimming out to it. Now, check this out. It was closely followed by a group of DOLPHINS! Now I am the crazy tourist, camera in hand, screaming. Does it get any better than this? Really. I am snapping pictures so fast, yet I am so excited I can not hold my hands still long enough to focus, let alone point the camera in the right direction. That’s o.k. I’ve decided. It was my moment to enjoy. The memory will be forever embedded in my mind and heart. I managed one picture that was half way decent and since I’m in such a great mood, I will share my moment with you!
Day 1, a complete success!
May 21st, 2008 at 10:28 am
wish I would have been there with you!!
October 8th, 2010 at 7:40 pm
Very nice post.