Fri 24 Oct 2008
“Do I Have Stupid Written Over My Forehead?”
Posted by Heidi under Reality Bytes
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Reality Bytes- Part 2
With a set of fraternal twin girls (Mady & Kara, age 8 ) and a set of sextuplets, (Collin, Leah, Joel, Hannah, Aaden & Alexis, age 4) the Gosselins a.k.a. Jon & Kate Plus 8 are hardly your typical American family. The show follows the family through their daily lives, focusing on the challenges of raising multiple children. While part of me feels this show has run it’s course, another part of me would really miss seeing this family each week. All of the kids have their own unique personalities and you can’t help but to fall in love with each and every one of them. Jon, 31 is very laid back….Kate, 33 not so laid back. The show has documented, and given us a chance to see these kids go from babies to preschoolers. The love and interaction between them is heart-warming and I believe, genuine. One of my all time favorite scenes is, while being potty trained, Leah, with a scrunched up nose informs a camera man, “Hannah pooped. Hannah pooped in Hannah’s underwears.” Priceless!! You truly get a sense from this show of what it would it would be like to raise multiple multiples. We, at least have the option of turning the T.V. off if Mady is throwing a tantrum, the six younger ones have the flu and are vomiting one after another or Kate is having a mini-breakdown. But this is the ‘reality’ of their life! Kate is often criticized for her obsession with cleaning and organization as well as “verbal attacks” on her husband. In her defense, one would have to be organized in a household with 8 children, 8 and under. As far as verbal attacks, she does have a tendency to lash out at Jon out of frustration but I have not witnessed anything I would really consider a “verbal attack.” More recently, concerned viewers have expressed they believe the show ($$) has changed the Mr. & Mrs. They are afraid their motives have changed and they are now at the point of exploiting the kids. One quote reads, “What started as a documentary has turned into dangerous distortion of childhood, parenting, and what passes for acceptable risk in the age of the Internet.” Like I said, while part of me feels this show has run it’s course, and maybe it’s time to turn out the lights….another part of me would really miss seeing this family each week. Perhaps I’m being selfish, perhaps they are. 
Premiering in 1996, Judge Judy is an American reality-based court show, featuring a former family court judge. Judge Judy Sheindlin is known for tackling real-life small claims in her courtroom. With her no nonsense attitude, you may often hear her saying; ay! QUIET!”, “Do I have stupid written over my forehead?”, “I think you ought to be quiet. You know, they don’t need anybody stirring up the pot. You’re a pot-stirrer.” As much as I love this show, I am deathly afraid of this woman. A sweet looking elderly woman dressed in a black robe, her bench side manner is not for the weak. With an 8 second opportunity, this woman would have me on the ground begging for forgiveness…..guilty or not. Generally dealing with conflicts that irritate people and give them stress, JJ deliberately avoids serious cases like child abuse saying, “I’m an entertainer, and I’m paid as an entertainer.” She adds that court T.V. shows are not the place to hash over cases that could lead to “life-altering decisions.” Ummm….good call. Although entertaining, the reality of it is, neither Judge Judy nor her bailiff are acting as actual court officers on the show. JJ is acting as an arbiter, her “bailiff” a private security guard. I guess that means when she awards money in one of her rulings, it’s the producers who pay up. I’m sorry but no amount of money is worth 15 minutes of fame, losing every ounce of dignity all the while laying on the ground begging for forgiveness…..guilty or not. (I would have given this three stars, I went with four out of fear!)