Wed 12 Jan 2011
Apparently, not even a reality ‘star‘/entrepreneur is above the law. When you’re ordered to pay over $22,000 in attorney fees and fail to do so, a bench warrant might be issued. When you finally do make good on your debt, you really can’t pick and choose who you’re going to pay it to either. It will eventually catch up to you! Unfortunately, it also appears that the legal system does not have preferred return customer policy. For example, if you are, once again ordered to pay at or around $40,000 in attorney fees, trying to have the judge disqualified probably wont work. Gosh…in the eyes of the law, you they really are no different than us ‘plain folk.’ That’s the reality.
Jay Photoglou vs. Gretchen Rossi
The Court has reviewed and consider Defendant Rossi’s motion to disqualify Judge Gregory Munoz from sitting as the presiding judge in the case entitled….The motion is denied….
(click on image to view full size)

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January 12th, 2011 at 1:21 pm
So much for thinking you’re invincible Gretchy. You played now you pay, You might want to pass that on to your loverboy too. Maybe you can work on that when you get back from the Bahamas!!!!! WOW!
January 13th, 2011 at 9:54 am
come back from the Bahamas? I bet she is on her way to RIO!
January 14th, 2011 at 12:01 pm
What a joke she is. Just when I think I’ve seen it all and now she pulls this crap. Take it down a few notches Gretchen. The tricks up your sleeve might work for Slade, don’t count on anyone else falling for them. Especially the legal system.
January 21st, 2011 at 9:34 am
Is Bravo actually bringing this dishonest fake back?