Wed 5 Aug 2009
E! News
So True So False Real Housewives Scandals
Rescheduled: Thursday, August 6th at 7:00 p.m. PST
on E! Entertainment
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…continued. Read more about Jay Photoglou’s exclusive interview with E! Entertainment here!!!
Did Gretchen Rossi and Jay Photoglou have their names tattooed on each others ring fingers? Although Gretchen has claimed she has always had a ring finger tattoo with Jeff Beitzel’s name, there was never a tattoo visible during the show. These pictures are interesting, to say the least!!
Click on pictures for larger view

This picture was taken 10/17/2008, the date can be confirmed in the camera properties.

This was taken at a premier party I threw for Gretchen at i lounge in O.C. right after the Bravo party at Sutra that Bravo threw, it was taken on 11/25/2008.

This one was submitted by Gretchen to a reporter who was going to break the RING FINGER story. Gretchen stated she has always had a ring finger tattoo, but with Jeff’s name. The address in the background was Slade’s address. Slade did not move in until Jan 2008, this picture is dated March 2007. *Interesting her nails are identical in both pictures…23 months apart.

With a newspaper date of February 2009, this picture was submitted to the same reporter, who pointed out to Gretchen there were pictures of her and I with her having NO RING finger tattoo. Gretchen said she no longer had a tattoo. This is not true, she does still have a tattoo!
Watch for more updates!!
UPDATED August 5th 4:30

“I was in Bass lake for more than one day dispite what Gretchen has said on the Lost Footage episode. I rescinded my release in July/Aug. After I found out (Jan 31st 2009) that what was filmed on the reunion show. I called production and confirmed, that I rescinded my consent and that there were lies told on camera about me at that filming. I was told what lies were told, and by who, via text from Gretchen to me (I still have those texts, and phone records including the one from Gretchen’s parents that lasted over an hour as they hadn’t heard from her all day and were concerned. I filled them in as to what had happend on the taping). I was also asked by Gretchen if I was sure I rescinded my release with Evolution via text that same day.”

BRAVOD is airing the “Lost Footage” of O.C. Housewives episode TODAY @ 2:00 p.m. and is airing on BRAVO at 5:00 p.m. PST
Why does Gretchen tell Tamra that ‘You don’t know what Jeff and my relationship was?’ Does that mean it wasn’t what it appeared? Just saying…
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August 5th, 2009 at 7:05 pm
August 6th, 2009 at 8:54 am
Gretchen, lie much? You are looking more and more pathetic.
August 6th, 2009 at 8:11 pm
You go girl, you keep flashing that big Cubic ‘engagment’ ring!!! L.O.L. Impressive (hitting replay)
August 7th, 2009 at 5:34 am
Like many, I too enjoy a good reality show. It wasn’t until the end of the season I was introduced to the O.C. Housewives and quickly became a loyal fan. I found the Reunion Show both entertaining and disappointing, reminding myself even ‘reality’ shows have an element of “Hollywood” added to maintain a strong story line.
Once again, this week I found myself drawn into a show that ended months ago. The stories, the comments and bouncing from website to website. A few things I found discussed-and I use that word lightly (usually by the same people over and over) were Jay Photoglou’s motives, seeking fame and fortune via the media and people not so kindly advising him to move on.
I wonder how many of these same people would be O.K. with having their names and person put in question on National Television? This ‘reality’ show obviously left an impact on lives personally, Jay being one of them. As much as people would like to believe Gretchen is the victim here, it has become evident otherwise. To those who don’t agree with that, I say, spend less time leaving repetitive comments and more time reading the facts.
Gretchen’s stories have more holes than Swiss Cheese. All of them, that has been proved. On the other hand, Jay Photoglou has remained consistent in what appears to be the truth.
Jay’s name and character were put in question publicly, he has every right to defend himself publicly. Wouldn’t you? We are defined by our character, and although charges against him have been dropped, the allegations can continue to effect one personally.
The evidence speaks volumes as to who’s credibility should be in question. I encourage Mr. Photoglou to continue defending what is rightfully his, his character. Gretchen has left many fans disappointed. She has compromised her need and greed for fame for something far more important, her character.
This is my first and will be my last comment, some things just need to be said.
August 7th, 2009 at 4:02 pm
Not worth responding to. Jay will always be delusional
August 16th, 2009 at 12:04 pm
Dear Jay: Please rewatch the reunion, your last name was never mentioned. YOU ARE THE ONE that alerted everyone to who you were by your lame comments in the OC register. The thing about liars is that they believe their own lies. Aside from the few losers that hang out with you, the majority of people think you are an idiot. Every time you make a comment about this crap you look more and more like a fool.
August 16th, 2009 at 1:37 pm
The facts are clearly stated on this website. It looks like Jay has proven his point and it’s clearly been with documented facts! Winner Photoglou…
August 17th, 2009 at 9:30 am
In the reunion show, Tamra clearly stated she didn’t like the way Gretchen was living her life. Oh well! It’s her life to live! I don’t believe Gretchen was put on this planet to make Tamra happy. WOW, some ego that chick has to think people are going to live for her. LOL. If she doesn’t like it, don’t be her friend. I don’t know when or who made a secret morality police. It’s like, OMG someone lied. I hear that, read the “he said, she said” and always go with, there are three sides to every story: his side…her side and the truth! Everyone brings their own perspective to it. And somewhere in the middle of it all…there inlies the absolute truth.
And this Jay guy….your LAST name was never spoken on the shows. Nobody ever had to know who the hell you were until YOU pointed out who you were. See….any jury with minimal activity above the brain stem will see that Gretchen didn’t DEFAME you, nor did NBC/BRAVO or the production companies…. nope. YOU DEFAMED yourself by announcing who the JAY was they were referring to you moron. You were looking for your 15 minutes of fame…and well, you got them! Not satisfied with it…you only have your self to blame. Be careful for what you wish for..sometimes it comes true and bites you on the backside.
People need to stop looking for the instant gratification and actually put a little more thought into their actions. Not just do the knee jerk reaction to whatever suits their fancy in the moment, Jay Jay Jay! And if they do that, they have to live with the consequences and not clog our courts up with frivilous law suits. I hope the judge says, “See the door, don’t let it hit ya where the good Lord split ya….bye!”
Sorry this comment was so long…but for Pete’s sake, it’s a reality television show!! If people don’t know by now that they aren’t based in reality, they truly do have two brain cells…and they’re arguing! OK, my rant is over…lol!!!
September 9th, 2009 at 10:27 pm
LOL ….Sue D….loved it! And to “Touche’”
you do know that the first thing Jay did was run to and give them all their personal private pictures to humiliate and embarrass Gretchen. Is that the “character” you are referring to Touche’? Hmmmm
September 24th, 2009 at 2:53 pm
Are you sure it was me that sent the pictures to the dirty?
Have you considered it may have been someone else that sent them?
Have you asked yourself who else would have motive to send them?
Have you considered Gretchen having all those pictures on her computer too?
Remember she claims someone stole the photos from her.
Was there someone other than Gretchen on the computer where Gretchen kept her photos often?
Who has access to that computer? Computer guy, hacker, Slade?
If Gretchen would have shown up in court, for what she started, alot of these questions would have been answered.
There is a court hearing tomorrow (9/25) to show the amout that should be paid for atty fees for what Gretchen started.
After that I will consider all legal options.
Until then I hope this gives you more to think about, other than what you already have…