Wed 25 Feb 2009
Reality Bytes- Part 5- 1 & 2Â (part 2 added March 2nd)
Can I get a WOOHOO!!
I had originally started this post last week but never finished it. Now after watching the post-season “Reunion” I felt I needed to go back and revisit what I had previously written. I had never seen the show before this season, a show I have vehemently denied watching. But I do.
The Real Housewives of Orange County was initially set primarily in the gated community of Coto and followed the lavish lifestyles of five “housewives” and their families who live within Coto McMansions. However, the show has since expanded its filming locations to include Rancho Santa Margarita, Ladera Ranch, San Juan Capistrano, San Clemente and Costa Mesa. In the fourth season, Tamra Barney, Vicki Gunvalson, Jeana Keough are back and joined by two new “wives,” Gretchen Rossi and Lynne Curtin.
Tamra Barney 41, is known as the “mean girl” this season. Married to Simon she is now a “stay at home” mom to 3 of her 4 kids. The oldest Ryan, 22 has now moved out of the house…for now. From the outside looking in, this appears to be your all American (upper class) family. Don’t let those good looks fool you, Tamara is a down right sneaky little devil! She will be your best friend and your worst enemy, console you when your down, then kick you to the ground. She is melodramatic, loves to gossip, and has some serious jealousy issues with Gretchen. Her and her husband recently hosted a lavish dinner party, her mission for the night was to get Gretchen “naked drunk” in hopes her “dark side” would come out. Classy gal! You don’t see much interaction with her younger 3 kids. (all under 10) I don’t know if that’s due to editing, or she is just so caught up in her own drama, she just doesn’t have the time to be a hands on mom. Boo! I like her like to roll my eyes at her!
Post Reunion- Tired of being known as the “mean girl,” Tamra decides to reveal Gretchen’s “dark side.” During the season she apparently received a phone call at 1:00 a.m. from Jay Photoglou who claimed to be Gretchen’s boyfriend. His story was they had been romantically involved since Jan. ’08 and while Gretchen would spend her days at the hospital with Jeff, she spent most nights with him. Tamra’s advice to Gretchen, “Tell the truth, the truth will set you free.” She goes on to explain, it was after that phone call she began questioning Gretchen’s motives. Whether or not this has any truth to it remains to be seen. the fact that Tamra would even go there on national television confirms my initial thoughts on her and then some. There is no excuse for what she did.
Lynne Curtin 52, Lynne Curtin is 52, Lynne Curtin is 52, Lynne Curtin is 52, Lynne Curtin is 52. The newest “wife” Lynn has been happily married to Frank for over 18 years. They have 2 spoiled brats daughters 18 and 15. She claims she is obsessive about looking young and refuses to divulge her age. Lynne Curtin is 52, Lynne Curtin is 52, Lynne Curtin is 52. This actually surprised me as I had her pegged between 54/56, so much for her obsession. Her laid back demur and ditziness have led the other wives to ask if she’s been hitting a doobie. “A doobie like the Doobie Brothers? I don’t know what else that would mean.” C’mon Lynne… Umm, I think they’re on to something! She takes pride in being more of a friend to her spoiled brats daughters than a mother….and loves them so much she doesn’t have the heart to tell them no. “No, you can’t have the car of your choice at 18.” “No, you will not walk out of my house looking like a hooker.” “No, you can not drink.” She plays wholeheartedly to the fact she must be naive. No Lynne, it’s called stupidity. She has instilled no values, morals or responsibility in her spoiled brats daughters, while she laughs about it now…lets check back with the Curtin family in 2 years. Aside from her parenting skills, or lack there of I find Lynne to be shallow, fake and unlikable. There seems to be something mysterious about her, whether that’s just part of her “character” or not, I don’t know. Bottom line, I don’t like her.
Post Reunion- Watching clips from the season, I realized some of these “wives” (you guess who!) were really brutal to Lynne. She actually broke down in tears because of it and I felt bad for her. While I still think she’s out to lunch on the whole parenting thing, I think what bathers me is she tries too hard to fit in and comes off as phony. She is definitely not my favorite, but I think I understand her a little bit better now. She took a lot of unwarranted grief, perhaps it’s a Godsend you don’t fit in Lynne!

Gina, Geena, Jeana Keough, 53 ia a successful realtor of high-end homes. Her first career was in Hollywood as a model and actress. She was once a Playboy centerfold and one of the models in the ZZ Top videos. She recently separated from her husband Matt Keough, (a major league baseball player who played for the Oakland A’s) and has 3 kids. Gina, Geena,Jeana is probably the most likable of the bunch, though sadly lacks self-esteem. Her children are verbally abusive to her and have no disregard for her as a human being let alone a mother, apparently a learned behavior from dad. The least catty of the bunch, she appears very genuine, sincere and tends to see the best in everyone. (*Note to Gina, Geena, Jeana…please cut those kids off $$ until they learn some respect! $$$) I like her and hope she finds true happiness.
Post Reunion- My feelings of Gina, Geena, Jeana remain the same. I think she is who she is, no hidden agenda’s…what you see is what you get!
Vicki “I want the power and the money and I want them both!” Gunvalson, 46 is one of the original ladies of The Real Housewives of Orange County. She owns a successful life insurance business, is married to her second husband Donn and has two children, Michael and Briana. Vicki is a workaholic, controlling and down right mean to her husband, He just doesn’t fill her “love tank” up anymore. In the beginning I really liked her. I admired her drive for success, the ability to be so brutally honest and her wittiness. Now, I can’t get past the jealousy, cattiness and the fact she cares about no one but herself. Amazingly, her college age kids are probably the most down to earth O.C. offspring on the show! If you are ever in the O.C. and hear a WOOHOO….run, run fast Vicki’s in the house. I want to like her, but I don’t.
Post Reunion- Vicki was just as bad as Tamra. While she may not have said the words, her expressions spoke volumes. Everything is still about her. When Lynne expressed how hurt she had been by some of the comments that were made towards her, Vicki was quick to point out how many times she had cried over the mean things Lynne had said to her. P-l-e-a-s-e! She did update us on Donn, you’ll be happy to know they are working on getting that “love tank” filled back up. Perhaps if she put half as much time and effort into her marriage as she does her career this marriage will be salvageable! Donn, run your a patient man!
Gretchen Rossi is 31. New to the show this season, she is beautiful, spunky, flirty, friendly and the happy-go-lucky one of the group. She is engaged to Jeff, a wealthy business man who is 23 years older than her and battling cancer. Once a realtor, she has now taken on the role of Jeff’s caretaker. Though their relationship does appear genuine, some of the other wives (you got it, Tamra and Vicki) are constantly questioning her motives. The interaction between her and Jeff is limited on the show and as Gretchen goes on mini-vacations and continues to fulfill her socializing obligations, it leaves you wondering just how devoted she really is. She reminds people, “do not judge me until you have been in my shoes.” Is this true love, is she a gold digger or is it an arrangement between the two of them? Gretchen seems to work hard at keeping peace within the group, I don’t think I have heard her speak negatively about anyone. For the most part she just goes with the flow and can have fun anywhere. Is there really a “dark side” to her as Tamra claims or is Tamra jealous? If she is really true to her “character” I like her..a lot!
Post Reunion- Oh boy! First of all, sadly, Jeff passed away on September 13th. Gretchen was emotional while reflecting on his memory and I just wanted to reach through the screen and give her a hug. She says she is doing O.K., having good days and bad days. After confronting Tamra on her ploy to get her “naked drunk” all hell broke loose. That’s when Tamra decided it was time to reveal Gretchen’s “dark side.” Gretchen defended herself saying Jay was an old boyfriend…then he was a family friend….yes, he did go on a mini-vacation with me….my whole family was there, so what. No, I’m not dating him….no, I’m not dating anyone. Absolutely not. When asked why his clothes were on her bedroom floor, my little Gretchen replied with a mere, “When were you in my room?” Now I’m no rocket scientist, and I do like her…a lot, but her expressions and explanations were not so convincing. My perceptions of her and the “genuine” relationship with Jeff were fading fast. Corny as it may sound, I felt betrayed. Was Tamra that jealous or was there validity in her accusations? Regardless, it was a tacky move on her part. I don’t really know what to believe or what to think of Gretchen. It’s really no one’s business, but the thought of her deceiving Jeff while he lay on his death bed breaks my heart. The jury’s out on this one, I really hope none of this is true!
Obviously, this is a “reality” show, however the scripting, editing, etc…can portray things far from reality. This whole thing could be strategically planned by BRAVO for ratings. There could be some truth, there could be none. But like a cliffhanger to the season finale of your favorite Monday night show, you can’t wait to find out what happens next. I looked on the internet hoping to curb my curiosity. Here’s a few FACTS things I found.
• As per Jeff’s daughter, Jill: “I do believe that they had a thing but I don’t really care, my dad loved Gretchen but I’m almost certain he never would have married her. I think Jay is a selfish manipulative jerk, and just wants the exposure from the story. He doesn’t give a rats ass that when he degrades Gretchen he is also degrading my father, and that makes things a lot harder for our family to be okay with.”
• Jay and Gretchen were indeed a couple, but recently quit seeing each other.
• They spent a lot of time going out in Newport Beach.
• Gretchen has said to be keeping company with Slade Smiley, formally of RHOC (He was allegedly arrested at her house recently for back child support)
• Gretchen had Jay’s name tattooed on her ring finger this summer but is still wearing the ring Jeff gave her.
• Jay broke up with her and went “public” with their relationship after she broke one of their “agreements”
• One of Jeff”s daughters was on Rock of Love Bus with Brett Michaels but was sent home to deal with the grief of her dad’s passing.
Another day in the lives of The Housewives of Orange County. Stay tuned…Â 
(Now even I’m exhausted!)
Update March 2nd, Part 5/2
Like so many others, I would have liked to believe that Gretchen was the victim here. I have read so many forums, blogs and articles on this subject, my head is spinning! There’s the just plain curious people, the Sherlock Holmes’ and then those that are so engaged in the controversy, they don’t know where to draw that fine line between reality vs. T.V., nor do they care.
Reality Television- Such shows frequently portray a modified and highly influenced form of reality, with participants put in exotic locations or abnormal situations, sometimes coached to act in certain ways by off-screen handlers, and with events on screen sometimes manipulated through editing and other post-production techniques.
This is the first season I have watched the show, and I am a bit embarrassed that I have even given it so much thought! I think for myself and probably others, because of the circumstances with Jeff’s illness there was an emotional attachment to the “Jeff & Gretchen” relationship and we are now left with a sense of betrayal.
I have tried to remain open minded and non biased knowing there is never a winner in a situation like this. With that being said, after all that I have seen and read, this is where I stand;
• 100% convinced the relationship between Gretchen and Jay did in fact exist throughout the season.
• 100% convinced Jeff was aware of the relationship, as were many others.
• I do not believe, under any circumstances it was Tamra’s place to talk about this, doing so has only made her look that much more desperate and pathetic. Damage control should be her top priority, she crossed that fine line and opened the door for any and all the skeletons in her closet to be revealed.
• 100% convinced Gretchen lied. It was obvious she was caught completely off guard when Jay was brought up. I gave her the benefit of doubt, (bear in mind, she was my favorite) that out of shock and being put on the spot, she was literally at a loss for words and not sure how to respond. Regardless, it was a lie. Redemption should be her top priority, she has now put others reputation and lively hood on the line. She needs to step up to the plate and set the record straight. It has been said Gretchen was originally going to address this at the Reunion show, but changed her mind the morning of taping.
BRAVO obviously has the last word. It is how and what they have edited, that is what we ultimately see. I can’t help but wonder…was the Reunion part of “their” storyline or was it an unanticipated train wreck that they ran with? Their priority is ratings, these “wives” are paid for what they do/do not do. They are paid to entertain us and we love it!
I’m just curious, can you put a price on your dignity? On your friends and loved one’s dignity? I do hope the $$$ is worth it, because at the end of the day that’s all you have left.

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January 17th, 2010 at 7:44 pm
As always, your post is insightful plus skillfully written thanks. Keep up the good work I love your site!
June 12th, 2010 at 3:56 pm
I love it!