Thu 10 Dec 2009
Edited 12/10 @ 11:15 p.m.
I have intentionally avoided reading the “wives” weekly blogs on Bravo TV this season. Getting through the episodes each week has just been painful enough. After reading a few comments on the WWW, curiosity got the best of me and I could not resist.
Yes, I poured salt in my own wound.
I read Saint Gretchen’s blog.
Boy she’s a thorough one. Leaving no stone overturned, she discusses last weeks episode addressing situations both good (her’s) and bad (everyone else’s)
A concise interpretation: disingenuous, egocentric, narcissistic, martyr.
Thoughts and questions:
“Obviously staying in touch with Jeff’s kids is very important to me. They are my only remaining connection to Jeff and as I said, it truly helps keep his memory alive in me. I love them so much, and sometimes probably too much, because I see how protective I am over them and their decisions in life. Unfortunately, last year there was a lot said by some of Jeff’s ex wives about my relationship with the kids and if this doesn’t show the contrary to their distasteful words, I don’t know what would.“
Obviously…top priority! Why wait almost a year to go see them? Why were Bravo’s cameras there? Who does that? Someone so protective of them would have their best interest at heart and would not be dragging them through this circus again. Protecting them would be respecting their personal lives and giving them their much deserved privacy. Not putting them in front of a camera for the sake of trying to make a point. This visit to Michigan didn’t show or prove anything. The relationship is what it is. (BTW, distasteful is professing concern for someone only to follow it with a negative comment about a person they love.)
“Jake’s tattoo of his Dad brought tears to my eyes. Jill said it so eloquently when she said it’s not only is hurtful to hear people insult me, but that it is also insulting her father and her family. To me that speaks volumes.”
Speaking of tattoo’s, I found it odd that Why didn’t Gretchen share her “Jeffrey” tattoo…if she had it done as a tribute to Jeff, wouldn’t she want to show it to his kids? Did the cameras just happen to miss that? Jill can be assured, what is said about someone else is not a reflection of her father or her family. There seems to be only one person making this about them. (And, that speaks volumes to me!)
“Jake has since met Slade and really liked him. Jill is talking about coming out soon for a visit and is excited to meet him as well. It is important to have their approval as well since I value it so much.”
I bet Jake just loved Slade and with all that Jill has heard about him, we can probably bet she’ll feel the same way. Isn’t it just like the Gretchen we all know to always consider others feelings?
“I have to say it just sometimes makes me laugh out loud they way we sometimes run ourselves over with a bus! Vicki means well with her daughter of course but that was way weird and uncomfortable for me to watch. I felt so bad for Briana! It reminded me to never do that to my kids!
A bus? Oh like when people do things and then find out, just how bad of an idea it was? No, uncomfortable is watching Slade parade around with some little kids sock on while minors are present. Uncomfortable is constantly hearing references about “getting some.” Uncomfortable is watching 2 adults play tonsil hockey with cameras 6 inches away. Uncomfortable is listening to you continue…
“Unfortunately Tamra, even after her apology to me recently, made some pretty nasty comments about Slade to a tabloid magazine this past week and I was asked to respond to the comments they sent over to me. I personally get upset because it disappoints me that she is so quick to judge others when things in her own home are not going well, and of course I love Slade and don’t like people talking about things they don’t know anything about, which Tamra does often. She said in the article that she considers raising her kids very important and takes it very personally, and then makes some crass comments about Slade’s parenting. Is it just me or did I miss something?…This is why I don’t like to judge people.”
Damn it Tamra! How could you? Poor Saint Gretchen, always the victim.
Actually, Slade’s parenting skills are hardly a secret, so I’m going to take a chance and say Tamra does know what she’s talking about. Also, I have also never heard Tamra claim things to be perfect in her life. Oh, and yes you did miss something. Doesn’t that last sentence kinda contradict the rest of the paragraph? Just saying
“Speaking of parenting, I cannot imagine how hard it is to have kids. I had a lot of concerns after seeing Alexa a few times, because she was saying things that worried me. I spoke up to Lynne about it and it unfortunately caused a wedge between us which you will see play out this season, but I stayed true to my belief that I much rather jeopardize a friendship then see a kid hurt or make a poor decision because I was afraid to approach my friend about it and be responsible..Even Lynne says in this episode “the girls don’t want to tell us anything” and this is very important to notice, because this was the exact point that I made to Lynne when we talked and her and I fought about just that.”
If I could just interject here; No, parenting is not easy. If you are feeling so high and mighty and responsible, and want to stay true to your beliefs, maybe you should focus on your life and the people in it. I would think Lynne’s kids would be the least of your concerns, considering….
Or are some relationships not worth jeopardizing?
“Wow, how amazing is Alexis’ necklace? I mean really? That truly was one of the most thoughtful and beautiful pieces of jewelry I have ever seen! Now let me also say that I don’t think they did Jim any justice in that scene. He adores Alexis and would never repeat 7 carrots that many times in a row.”

What? How many carrots?? 7 carrots? Aww…I shouldn’t tease her, she might think I’m judging her. She probably just couldn’t concentrate…feeling all weird and uncomfortable from watching Briana’s date. Maybe she’s been in shock about Tamara running to the tabloid magazine and can’t concentrate. It could just be that it’s hard to type and pat yourself on the back at the time (poor things gotta be tired!) What ever the reason,
we know it’s going to be someone else’s fault…
it always is.
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