Wed 31 Mar 2010
Edited @ 11:50 p.m.
I received this email this afternoon. I have responded with one more question…this should be interesting!
*Click on preview to view actual size

*Pretty sure it DID say The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society has NOT set up a fund in Jeff Bietzel’s name. Hmmm..
Another concerned fan viewer received the same email today, we thought we’d share that one as well! I wonder how Ms. Rossi is going to handle all of this? Remove her Facebook Fan Page? No…that would be silly!
*Click on preview to view actual size

*If you haven’t read the comments yet, please take a moment to do so.
I will call this one Poetic Justice! Well said!
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March 31st, 2010 at 8:02 pm
This is the email LLS sent me 03/31/10 in response to my query of 03/26/10. I have both emails if anyone is interested.
March 31st, 2010 at 9:04 pm
I would love to post it for you, if you’d like! You can email me through the “contact me” on the top right of the page.
April 1st, 2010 at 3:18 am
I’m so sick of Gretchen and her manipulating lies. This fake-assed fund is just one more way for her to continue picking Jeff’s bones dry.
The bitch should be arrested and prosecuted for fraud. Her make up line and this fake fund are just two of her blatant acts of fraud. I’m sure there are many more below the surface.
Gretchen’s Facebook page has been disabled, and so has Slade’s. Hmmmm…are they afraid of people posting proof of their lies?
And — Gretchen, darling — if you want to come after me again, please use a better screen name. “You All Make Me Laugh” was appropriate though — because everyone is laughing at you!!!
April 1st, 2010 at 3:46 am
Things have come to a pretty pass
Our romance is growing flat,
For you like this and the other,
While I go for this and that,
Goodness knows what the end will be
Oh I don’t know where I’m at
It looks as if we two will never be one
Something must be done.
You spell it rummors and I spell it rumors
You sell commemoration
I smell desperation
Lets pull the Facebook off
Lets call the whole thing off.
You call it stalking
And I call it walking
You started squawking
And now you are balking
Lets call the lawsuit off
Lets call the whole thing off
But Oh if we call the whole thing off
Then we must part
And Oh, if we part, it migt break your heart
You call it Beaute
And I call it Cootay
You claim backordered
And I say court ordered
Lets call the empire off
Lets call the whole thing off.
April 1st, 2010 at 9:28 am
Seriously how could you Gretchen? This is the lowest of lows. Shame on you.
April 1st, 2010 at 1:18 pm
Thank you Bravo! I thought Bravo had a higher standard. It makes me question all of their reality shows.
April 1st, 2010 at 4:44 pm
People surely are in her panties. If she lied how is that going to make a difference in anyones life? Role models none of them are. I mean none of them. We see what they want us to see. Unless you are up in her business. Let a biyatch catch a break. Tamara does not deserve any better than this trollop either. They are all challenged. Liars and cheaters. I personally could give two phucks. I am not buying her ladyburd products and if I wanted to donate I would do so. I dont need this trollop and her misinformation. Just move on and ignore her ass. Being hateful and vindictive will not help you and definitely wont help her. Let Jay do the dirty work. Let me just enjoy the show. Carry All these biotches are flunkies. All of them.
April 1st, 2010 at 4:45 pm
People take this woman too seriously. Who the phuck is she or any of the housewives for that matter? They are laughing tools we should use to amuse ourselves. Laugh at them.
April 4th, 2010 at 10:03 pm
People here think Gretchen is talking to them….lol
April 8th, 2010 at 10:00 am
including you, no doubt