Thu 1 Apr 2010
Someone pointed out on Facebook yesterday that there appears to be some damage control going on at Ms. Gretchen Christine’s Website. Remember the little banner I posted a few weeks ago from her site? It looked like this,

and read: Proceeds of the debut single will go to Leukemia
and Lymphoma Society (LLS) & the Jeff Beitzel Foundation
Well, sometime between March 18th and yesterday (my guess is it was yesterday, this someone has a pretty keen eye and would have probably noticed otherwise) the banner changed. It now looks like this,

and reads: A portion of the proceeds of the debut single will go to Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) in memory of Jeff Beitzel can’t do that!
It’s also said that her Facebook “fan” page is now gone, kaput, vanished! How will she network with her fans now? Could this be part of the damage control?

I stand by my first thought the day this single debuted,
“We all know Gretchen wants to break into the music industry, so is this just a brilliant (I use that word loosely) marketing plan? Jeff was not her fiance, but what better way to make a debut? Capitalize on a tragic situation, a man’s death and a relationship that didn’t exist?”
I really wish I would have been proven wrong. I really do.
Who takes donations to help save lives for a foundation that doesn’t exist? Who takes donations for 2.5 months and then decides only a portion of the proceeds will benefit the LLS. Aren’t people curious where their donation went and what it’s being used for? Are there any answers for that within your creative space?
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April 1st, 2010 at 10:06 am
Beyond ridiculous! Tamra Barney is looking like an angel right now!
April 1st, 2010 at 11:26 am
I think Tamara has told the truth all along. Why would she lie? She did nothing wrong she just called Gretchy on all her lies. I say Bravo to Tamara, I wish her the best in her new venture without her ball and chain.
April 1st, 2010 at 6:39 pm
Gretchen’s facebook page ia back up. She states her profession as Actor, Director. She still claims the money is going to Leukemia Soceity in O.C., Jeff Bietzel Fund.
From her facebook page:
As one of my fans said it best to me: “It seems people are much more willing to believe in a lie then to believe in something good” This is exactly what I feel right now about all the lies being written about me.
April 2nd, 2010 at 3:36 pm
Someone took my original email and added a bunch of crapola to about LLS apologizing to this skank and are passing it off as genuine……
sad sad sad
April 2nd, 2010 at 11:18 pm
Tamra has told the truth all along.
It looks to me like Gretchen is the sociopath next door.
April 4th, 2010 at 10:00 pm
Tamra tells the truth? To who? Her husband? No. Vicki? No. Her kids? No!! Tamra is far from an honest trustworthy individual. That woman is truly only out for herself!!
April 7th, 2010 at 3:07 pm
@jj-reading other posts on this website, not pointing fingers at anyone (number 6 commenter)but would not put it past her. Only because she sounds like Gretchen herself. Pointing fingers at everyone else to blame.